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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

BTW, my facial recognition is a bit crap so can someone please tell me who's on the right (sc. the other person) in this photo?

I'm too young to remember Thatcher really. But this new policy on buying your own place that the twat's announcing today, what's the actual problem with it?

Please forgive my ignorance on this subject. I'm aware it will be a controversial topic.
I'm too young to remember Thatcher really. But this new policy on buying your own place that the twat's announcing today, what's the actual problem with it?

Please forgive my ignorance on this subject. I'm aware it will be a controversial topic.
it removes a house or flat from housing stock, meaning that that property won't ever be available for people on the waiting list. plus (and potential purchasers should know this) repairs to the fabric of the property, particularly for flats, get charged to owners, because if you buy a flat in a block you still need the roof and you'll have to pay your share for repairs benefitting all properties.
Because they don't build new social housing to replace the one sold, and have you seen the waiting lists?

He's claiming they'll build one new home for every one bought. This sounds absolutely fucking nonsense of course.

What's his motivation for this?
a Tories motivation for lying do they need one

for Boris it's just another desperate plan to relive history to try to curry favour with the public
He's claiming they'll build one new home for every one bought. This sounds absolutely fucking nonsense of course.

What's his motivation for this?


It’s something that’s been mooted by several PMs in the past and it’s bollocks. Aside from the stock issues…

Housing associations are also private corporations not run by the government, they are also one of the few industries building mildly affordable housing
He's claiming they'll build one new home for every one bought. This sounds absolutely fucking nonsense of course.

What's his motivation for this?
It's the same policy Thatcher introduced isn't it? I wasn't around then but sure people can already do this.

It's fucking shit for renters and people who can't get into social housing. My brother bought his 3 bedroom home for peanuts from the council sold it for a profit and I think the plan is for then to turn it into an MMO. No new social housing in that area.
so after trying to revive right to buy

where do you think the twat is going to suggest buying a nonsensical bridge to later today Narnia or middles earth :hmm:
It's the same policy Thatcher introduced isn't it? I wasn't around then but sure people can already do this.

It's fucking shit for renters and people who can't get into social housing. My brother bought his 3 bedroom home for peanuts from the council sold it for a profit and I think the plan is for then to turn it into an MMO. No new social housing in that area.
Ah I see housing associations just caught up.
I’d love to see a breakdown of that £32b and see who has actually lost what.

Also, £32bn is actually more like £450 per person. Maybe they are thinking of per household?
Suspect it comes from this report from last year, which calculated that the cost was £480 per person at that point, with an additional cost of £720 projected up to December.
Ta. Interesting but somewhat out of date — things have actually gone much better than the initial forecast until Russia invaded, at which point the fallout can hardly be blamed on Brexit. More pertinently, though, the “loss” seems to largely be calculated from a drop in GDP. It’s a big leap to the idea that this drop would have otherwise been in the pockets of the average family. I mean, we’ve had astonishing increases in real GDP since the 1970s but the average worker hasn’t seen any of it.
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