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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I'm too young to remember Thatcher really. But this new policy on buying your own place that the twat's announcing today, what's the actual problem with it?

Please forgive my ignorance on this subject. I'm aware it will be a controversial topic.
I was in my late teens/early 20's when Right To Buy was introduced, it was massively popular. I had loads of mates whose parents promptly bought theirs for a knockdown price. I can understand why BoZo wants to rediscover the magic. (Is there anyone out there dumb enough to believe this isn't a distraction from Partygate?)
I don't think it will work this time around though, back then most council house tenants were working class families at the lower end of the income scale, for them it was a great deal. These days the bulk of housing association/council tenants are people relying at least partly on benefits.
What might win him some votes is extending the Right To Buy to tenants renting from private landlords but no UK government (not even the Mythical Corbyn Regime That Never Was) would ever introduce a law enabling one private citizen to force another one to sell their property regardless of whether it's a good idea or bad idea or a vote winner.
How are they proposing to make firms sell if they dont want to? Everyone has a right to buy anyway but forced to sell?

This will only help the kids of well off people who will now be able to put any benefit into mortgages that mummy and daddy have given them a deposit for. A crafty bribe of middle class voters poorly dressed up as helping poor.

How many affordable homes were built after the last tory promise to build they made 7 years ago, wasnt it zero?
its more about him winning over his own mps than appealing to the public. but they come from different factions - "red wallers" arent going to be keen on uber thatcherite deregulation, cost cutting to fund tax cuts agenda that the swivel eyed brexity types get a hard on for.
its more about him winning over his own mps than appealing to the public. but they come from different factions - "red wallers" arent going to be keen on uber thatcherite deregulation, cost cutting to fund tax cuts agenda that the swivel eyed brexity types get a hard on for.
This has to be right. If you take Wakefield, about 5% of the population live in HA-rented housing (based on a quick Google), so there's no way that it's a killer way of bribing the electorate, even if it might be attractive to some.
Looks like he could be facing another vote of no confidence soon.

Now backbenchers are gearing up to react to a double defeat in this month’s by-elections in Tiverton & Honiton and Wakefield by getting local Conservative association chairmen to trigger a confidence vote of their own in the PM.

Under a rarely-used rule of the Tory constitution, just 65 local party chairmen are needed to call an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of the National Conservative Convention (NCC), an 800-strong body that represents the rank and file.

The obscure rule was first discovered by Brexiteers including Jacob Rees-Mogg who plotted to unseat Theresa May in 2019 over her failure to get Brexit legislation passed by a hung Parliament.
Once a meeting is called, a motion of no confidence in Johnson would be held. Although the result is non-binding, its symbolic power would be substantial, rebel MPs believe, and could offer ministers and even Cabinet ministers a reason to stage a wave of resignations. May survived a confidence vote by her MPs in December 2018, and under rules of the backbench 1922 Committee could not be challenged again for another year.

But grassroots activists successfully triggered an emergency meeting of the NCC for June 2019. Their petition at the time declared “we no longer feel that Mrs May is the right person to continue as Prime Minister” and planned to use their meeting to pass a motion to that effect.

In the end, the meeting never happened because May bowed to pressure to resign just a few weeks beforehand. As well as the prospect of a new challenge by MPs, the threat of the ignominy of such a damning verdict being passed by the “voluntary” wing of the Tory party was enough to force her hand.

This should be interesting, it doesn't say which channel it will be on, hopefully a free-to-air one.

The Tories’ strained relationship with broadcasters may be about to get even frostier.

Chums is a forthcoming TV series about the Oxford University days of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, David Cameron, George Osborne, Dominic Cummings and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Unseen pictures from photographer Dafydd Jones’s library also feature in the six-part series, including one similar to this snap of Boris at the Sultans Ball. The series is based on a book by Simon Kuper, who says: ‘When you see these people at 18, you immediately recognise them. It’s spooky how they haven’t changed.
‘Oxford is a virtual film set. Harry Potter was filmed there. Boris and Co were like wizards without the magic. Certainly, they were as far removed from the lives of ordinary folk as Harry Potter.’

Unseen pictures from photographer Dafydd Jones’s library feature in a new six-part series, called Chums, including one similar to this snap of Boris Johnson at the Sultans Ball during his time at Oxford University.

haven't heard of thepavlovictoday but ...

Boris Johnson, according to the source who was privy to the pressures made by No 10 Downing Street ahead of the vote, “demanded a photo of the filled-in ballot paper with a vote of confidence in him.”

This would have broken the democratic principle of the 1922 committee confidence vote being a secret ballot, the 1922 committee source told The Pavlovic Today.
haven't heard of thepavlovictoday but ...

All 359 Conservative MPs took part in the ballot. Despite Johnson winning the ballot by 211 vote for him he was shocked that 148 Conservative MPs voted no-confidence in him.

Shocked! Kinell, he's fucking arrogant and deluded.
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