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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

haven't heard of thepavlovictoday but ...

Mention in that article of Johnson's "patsy" Heather Wheeler, she of the "godawful places" slur last week. Johnson attempted to get her voted in as Chair of the 1922 Committee, but as is common with his little plans, he failed.
Please let them be this fucking stupid.

They do it in Manchester because it has the only police force outside London with enough cops to protect them.

They put barriers up across the tram lines. To help them intercept any nefarious person who might think to sneak into the conference venue disguised as a tram.
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This should be interesting, it doesn't say which channel it will be on, hopefully a free-to-air one.

It gratifies me to recall that "chum" is the name for the buckets of entrails and bloody body parts that are thrown in the sea to attract sharks.

I wonder if Pickman's model might be prepared to sacrifice his penguins' wellbeing to see the "chums" turned into "chum"? :hmm:
It gratifies me to recall that "chum" is the name for the buckets of entrails and bloody body parts that are thrown in the sea to attract sharks.

I wonder if Pickman's model might be prepared to sacrifice his penguins' wellbeing to see the "chums" turned into "chum"? :hmm:
sharks demand pedigree 'chum' and i'm not sure johnson meets their exacting standards
I get the feeling that this could be the issue that brings down the government. Especially after the Ukrainian refugee crisis, I think a lot of people are now thinking more about refugees and while the 'send 'em back' crowd are the loudest at shouting, most people haven't thought much about it and parrot what The S*n and Fail say, but now those people are thinking more about refugees and seeing it all rather unfair.
I get the feeling that this could be the issue that brings down the government. Especially after the Ukrainian refugee crisis, I think a lot of people are now thinking more about refugees and while the 'send 'em back' crowd are the loudest at shouting, most people haven't thought much about it and parrot what The S*n and Fail say, but now those people are thinking more about refugees and seeing it all rather unfair.
I admire your optimism and I hope it works out like that. But over 20 years of this shit will take a long time to shift.
Johnson should do an open top bus tour of Liverpool with his cabinet
And if that happens, the rest of us should crowd fund the purchase of tens of thousands of eggs to place at the disposal of the good people of Liverpool.
Perhaps then Bozo the Buffoon really will have egg on his face - literally and not just metaphorically.

I'd chip in a few dozen eggs for such a worthy cause. I think most of us would. lol
And if that happens, the rest of us should crowd fund the purchase of tens of thousands of eggs to place at the disposal of the good people of Liverpool.
Perhaps then Bozo the Buffoon really will have egg on his face - literally and not just metaphorically.

I'd chip in a few dozen eggs for such a worthy cause. I think most of us would. lol

Forget eggs, go with tomatoes.

Tinned ones.
Hopefully the Rwandan appeals are not over yet and if it ever happens, I am sure there will be a lot of security necessary for both local demonstrations and the refugees fighting like hell, that is unless they have been sedated.
According to that article there are only expected to 8 deportees on it, is it a dedicated flight or a scheduled one?
Can be either, though I would guess this flight will be single dedicated from an RAF base to keep media and protesters away.
They do it in Manchester because it has the only police force outside London with enough cops to protect them.

They put barriers up across the tram lines. To help them intercept any nefarious person who might think to sneak into the conference venue disguised as a tram.
I remember in 2005 or so, running an anarchist film/bookfair in Newcastle on the same weekend as the Labour Party regional conference was the other side of the river in Gateshead. We were all planning for getting shut down or some degree of hassle from the filth. In the end, one copper came wandering in and said, 'oh, I thought I'd call in and see what all this was about'. Then about 30 seconds later he got distracted and started paying more attention to a passing noisy stag party.

((((Not as dangerous as we thought we were)))) :(
Is it even possible to get a scheduled direct flight from the UK to Rwanda?
I have been but via Nairobi, so possibly not. It is also a country I wouldn't want to live in due to the authoritarian government and massive Chinese investment. That said I really enjoyed my time there and found it better organised and having better infrastructure than Unganda which I also went to. Suffice to say that Rwanda is being used in an intimidatory way.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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