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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The whole policy is incoherent nonsense.

As if the people traffickers give a shit whether their desperate "clients" end up being sent to Rwanda. By then they have long pocketed their money and moved onto their next victims.

The cant, doublespeak and sanctimony from Johnson, Patel & co on this is astonishing even by their standards.
Wonder if anyone has stopped to ask if Rwanda has people traffickers. I'm fucking sick of hearing it's all about ' those nasty traffickers' . This showers of cunts probably raise a glass when someone drowns.
I'm trying to stay angry, but am getting more and more depressed. Cunts .
The whole policy is incoherent nonsense.

As if the people traffickers give a shit whether their desperate "clients" end up being sent to Rwanda. By then they have long pocketed their money and moved onto their next victims.

Still a fuckload of people on twitter etc telling everyone that if they don't support the Rwanda flights they're supporting people traffickers. Really pathetic how many people will parrot this mindless drivel fed to them by malevolant arseholes, and act as if they came up with it themselves.

The reason it works of course is that it's all designed to let racists be racist while pretending they care about other people. The tories know their market. Trouble is all the gammons can do is sit and moan, while nice people are out taking action and getting the flights stopped.
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The criminal PM said earlier that these people didn't take a proper route (paraphrasing) to claim asylum here.


Stupid cunt.

Given the absolute fucking farce when people from Ukraine couldn't apply for visas and it was quite heavily publicised and this all happened recently it's even more stupid that it's a line of defence for the policy.
This gave me a chuckle...

Boris Johnson’s new “cost of living tsar” is an online entrepreneur who recently called on the prime minister to quit and has claimed voting Tory is “a form of self-harm”.


“Why is it that the worse [sic] people often rise to the highest office and stay there?” he wrote on Twitter. “Boris has to go, he just has to. You can’t survive judgment like this.”

More recently, in April this year, he attacked a Twitter post by Andrew RT Davies, leader of the Welsh Conservatives, who had criticised the fact that workers in Wales received lower pay than the rest of the UK.

“The cost of decades of Westminster Conservative neglect of Wales . . . How on earth can the party of Thatcher have the audacity to tweet this?!” he wrote. “This blows my mind. Destroyed Welsh communities and the concept of society in England.”

On another occasion that month he wrote: “Voting Tory in Wales is a form of self-harm” and said Johnson’s approach to asylum-seekers who crossed the Channel in small boats was based on “prejudice, lack of common decency and humanity”.

His appointment was seized upon by the opposition Labour party, with one aide saying: “We don’t always praise Boris Johnson’s hires — but this guy seems to know what he’s talking about.”


From the FT - archive.ph
I've just been sent this, I am no fan of Morgan, but just listen to the first few seconds from this point, how he describes Johnson junior to Johnson senior, who was appearing to discuss banning trophy hunting of wildlife, whereas Morgan had set him a trap, :D

Within my lifetime official Conservative Party publicity material (albeit local candidates not National) ran with the line “If you want a N….. for a Neighbour, vote Labour”.

All that’s changed is their PR acumen, not their underlying campaign.
This is all working in his favour as he stumbles from one shit storm to the next. Brexit gave way to covid, covid gave way to the party thing and this has been overwhelmed by Rwanda.....next
“Complete stranger also dislikes Boris Johnson” makes for a worse but more accurate headline.
No, she has a good insight into their family history and that's what makes the article worthwhile. "Boris trashes family legacy of rights protections" maybe.

It's left me wondering what changed. How did memories of oppression and having to leave native countries get forgotten in 3 generations? Two, if you credit Stanley with being as much of a vindictive fuckwit as Boris.
it all bluster and bullshit anyways to get out of the ECHR which is very unlikely as they would have to get both Wales and Scotland to agree

they would also have to complete abandon the good Friday agreement

so it all a load of crap so at the end Boris can claim a lot and them blame the EU when it all blows up in his face
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