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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Having an unwritten constitution means a lot of the consequences of today's vote may come from men {sic} in suits having a word in the shadows.
If he loses and doesn't go, (unlikely, but it is Johnson) I assume there's not a lot he could do has he wouldn't have the confidence of his own party.
But could Queenie sack him? and would I be correct in thinking he could still call a General Election as fuck them all off.
If he loses and doesn't go, (unlikely, but it is Johnson) I assume there's not a lot he could do has he wouldn't have the confidence of his own party.
But could Queenie sack him? and would I be correct in thinking he could still call a General Election as fuck them all off.
Are you suggesting that if he loses and has to resign but doesn't and call an Election for his successor and they lose because he threw his toys out the pram and couldn't get his own way?
If he loses and doesn't go, (unlikely, but it is Johnson) I assume there's not a lot he could do has he wouldn't have the confidence of his own party.
But could Queenie sack him? and would I be correct in thinking he could still call a General Election as fuck them all off.
The thought that he could lose and still have the power to call a GE might discourage some from voting against him. It's the nuclear option though. And being Johnson, he'd delay and delay...
Nads is swaying around on Sky News. She looks pissed and angry. "how dare they etc". Declared the country was at war. Knows if the PM goes south, so does she.

He has not got any big hitters doing the rounds today. Her and Rees Mogg mainly.

Plus he has just stated to the MPs he would do the party gate thing all over again.

If not tonight, it is terminal.
Who knows. 🤷‍♂️

John Stevens from the Daily Mail has been keeping a tally of Tory MPs who have said publicly that they will vote for Boris Johnson and he is still more than 50 short of the 180 Johnson needs to be sure of victory.

When Stevens conducted a similar exercise in 2018, Theresa May had got the number of public endorsements she needed from her MPs by lunchtime on the day of the no-confidence vote. LINK
Nads is swaying around on Sky News. She looks pissed and angry. "how dare they etc". Declared the country was at war. Knows if the PM goes south, so does she.

He has not got any big hitters doing the rounds today. Her and Rees Mogg mainly.

Plus he has just stated to the MPs he would do the party gate thing all over again.

If not tonight, it is terminal.
She said we are at war with Ukraine :facepalm:

Looks like the timing of this announcement is designed to swing a few more votes against Johnson at the last moment.

The Labour party has said that tomorrow it will force a vote in the Commons on a motion saying the government should implement in full recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life proposing to beef up the ministerial code. Boris Johnson was widely criticised last week when he issued a revised draft of the code that ignored many of these recommendations and effectively watered down the code in some respects.

Angela Rayner, the deputy Labour leader, said: "The Committee on Standards in Public Life was founded by Sir John Major a quarter of a century ago but its role has never been more important in upholding standards in the wake of sleaze, scandal and shame.

Labour is urging MPs of all parties to support this independent, cross-party package of reforms to tackle decaying standards. if they fail to back this move to clean up politics, it is they who will have to look their constituents in the eye. LINK
Are you suggesting that if he loses and has to resign but doesn't and call an Election for his successor and they lose because he threw his toys out the pram and couldn't get his own way?
Yes, but it's total idle speculation rather than a serious point.
I'd quite like him to lose and refuse to go just to see what would happen.
It could be fun. I would guess that Labour would demand an immediate vote of no confidence in parliament and the tories who voted against Johnson would have little option but to vote with Labour and dissolve their own government.

But that's why it won't happen. :(
He can't remain prime minister long if he's not leader of the party, I thought; he's not voted into office, he's there by dint of leading the largest party.
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