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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Worth remembering that johnson's government did put the very first group of travelers exposed to Covid into compulsory quarantine. Also, more geneally, his inaction in the first weeks of the outbreak killed tens of thousands.
He repeated his deaths via inaction and delay mistakes when it came to the second wave too. Public perceptions of his pandemic track record ended up more nuanced and far removed from my own opinion, with some thinking he did a good job, because the vaccination campaign wasnt badly mishandled, he eventually acted strongly enough when it came to lockdowns etc, furlough etc made a useful difference to plenty of people. And some people were able to overlook his deadly mistakes because of the enormity of the situation, his own hospitalisation, the mistakes in the years leading up to the pandemic that were not of his making, and mistakes by other parts of the establishment.
update on the "johnson support tally" - interesting

John Stevens, the Daily Mail journalist who has been keeping a tally of the Conservative MPs saying that they will back Boris Johnson in the vote tonight, has just told Radio 4’s World at One that when he conducted a similar exercise on the day of the no confidence vote in Theresa May, by lunchtime she had already received enough public endorsements to be confident of victory.

But Johnson is nowhere near that point, Stevens said. Johnson needs at least 180 votes to be confident of winning. At the moment he is just at the half way point, according to Stevens’ count.
Fuck me, he had an ethics bloke and an anti-corruption bloke and he still ends up with a vote of no confidence on the grounds of being a lying cunt.
Tbf the anti corruption bloke's wife hasn't had a lucrative contract for a while now
Surely they should get the message that if over a third of their voters want him gone, he needs to go?

David Allen Green reckons Johnson mightn't go even if he loses the VONC, and I reckon he's right.

There is no formal mechanism to get rid of him, and - following the 1975 Australian political crisis - the Queen is unlikely to top her jubilee weekend with a sacking on the back of just a party vote.

It would take a vote of no confidence of the House of Commons in Johnson as a Prime Minister - and even if he lost that, he could seek a general election.

And the mere threat of calling such an election may well mean that he will not lose - perhaps even face - such a parliamentary vote.

We have the makings of a political and constitutional crisis.
As Brenda from Bristol would say, You're joking! Not another one!
Snap poll from yougov of Conservative party members:

Do you think Conservative MPs should or should not vote to remove Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader?
Should: 42% Should not: 53%

Now, this is very interesting...

More than half Tory members want their MPs to get rid of Johnson, ConservativeHome survey suggests

The ConservativeHome website has now released the results of its own poll of members on whether or not Tory MPs should vote to remove Boris Johnson and this shows a narrow majority (55%) saying they should get rid of him. Another 41% say the MPs should back him.

This is worse for Johnson than the YouGov poll covering the same question which found a narrow majority of members saying MPs should not remove Johnson. It is hard to poll party members propery (because there are relatively few of them), but the ConservativeHome results have a good track record - and their sample today involved more than twice as many members as YouGov’s. LINK
Hunt can fuck the fuck off. I, along with a suspect a fair few people have not forgotten what happened with the NHS under his 'stewardship'. I think it has become fairly obvious over the past few months that he is looking to reinvent himself with a leadership bid in mind. Arsehole.
worked for churchill
David Allen Green reckons Johnson mightn't go even if he loses the VONC, and I reckon he's right.

As Brenda from Bristol would say, You're joking! Not another one!

That's not how it works. Lose a VONC and you don't get to call a GE if your party has chosen a new leader who can command the confidence.
If he is forced to resign will go to Windsor to see the queen or will she come back to Buckingham Palace to accept his resignation, or does Charles step in on behalf of the queen?
Much like he was praying for Putin to invade Ukraine, I suspect he's now praying for the queen to die so he can claim staying is in the national interest.
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