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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Former Treasury minister, Jesse Norman, has sent a letter in.

That's a good letter, a lot of reasons why he can't support him any longer.

Funny how when you read stuff like that, you sometimes realise how fucked up things are. There are households unable to heat their homes or have food on the table, and the Tories are focused on privatising Channel 4 which costs them nothing. It's easy to say 'their priorities are wrong' but that doesn't really come close to how fucked up things have got.
Just seen this. It may be too late now and the game may be over. Same time, holding it straight away - I think johnson decided the timing iirc - probably helps him i.e. another couple of days allows more support to dribble away and the like of Jeremy Cunt to go on manoeuvres.
He's toast , only because they realise they will certainly lose the next GE with him in charge. Without they have a chance to rebrand . Barf.
The red wall MPs will probably want him out, but also have nowhere else to go. If the tories go back to someone like Cunt, there's nothing distinctive that seeks to reconnect with northern working class voters (as johnson dishonestly sought to do). Ha ha.
Well, I was wrong. I didn't think they'd get to 54. :D

But what the hell, I think he'll survive with 12 - 20 votes.
I thought I’d have a quick look at John Redwood’s Twitter. Nothing since thanking the local WI or whoever organised a jubilee party. Maybe he can be a stalking horse again
Worth remembering that johnson's government did put the very first group of travelers exposed to Covid into compulsory quarantine. Also, more geneally, his inaction in the first weeks of the outbreak killed tens of thousands.
For a lot of people those are negatives, but for the small minority of 200,000 conservative party members who rule over us, they're positives.
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