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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

It's a completely different soundtrack taken from some other part of the timeline the voiceover is not the same and I can't hear any boo-ing.
The BBC have responded, which along with tweets from more than one sound engineer yesterday provide an adequate explanation of what happened here:

This, however on their departure is pretty impressive :D

winning the confidence vote by single figures and staying on is the best thing he can do for the country. Well for the lols anyway
if he does win by the skin of his teeth, we will then have 2 bad by-election losses coming up....then the next year of lawsuits about the VIP lane Covid PPE contracts....probably the NAO looking at Dido Harding's Test and Trace (a bargain at double the cost of CrossRail) and it will drag on and on.

Expect Priti Patel to bring back hanging by Christmas.
You know he's in trouble when the Mail runs with headlines like this -

DAN HODGES: The boos for Boris Johnson weren't from the usual suspects - and that's why a Jubilee Coup is almost upon us.
He is fucked now. I would hope he holds on for a bit though, diminish the tories even more, create a bigger smell about them.

There's this. Fortunately all of those top-tipped to replace him appear to be useless thick twats too, so they may well fail miserably to make things any better.

Mixed feelings about watching them tear themselves up for another three years. It's good if it fucks them up badly enough to keep them out of office for two or three terms like last time. But in the meantime people are fucking suffering, and I can't see Liz Truss or whatever the others are even called doing much about it.
There's this. Fortunately all of those top-tipped to replace him appear to be useless thick twats too, so they may well fail miserably to make things any better.

Mixed feelings about watching them tear themselves up for another three years. It's good if it fucks them up badly enough to keep them out of office for two or three terms like last time. But in the meantime people are fucking suffering, and I can't see Liz Truss or whatever the others are even called doing much about it.
Hunt seems the most dangerous (ie for plausibly rebuilding support for the party) of them. NHS staff aren't big fans, but he's quietly been trying to convince people he's sane and centrist for some time, and he's the only one with significant cabinet experience in a government that wasn't run by a cartoon character.

Tugendhat is the least repellent - he's been principled on China and the Uyghurs. But most people have never heard of him.
Hunt seems the most dangerous (ie for plausibly rebuilding support for the party) of them. NHS staff aren't big fans, but he's quietly been trying to convince people he's sane and centrist for some time, and he's the only one with significant cabinet experience in a government that wasn't run by a cartoon character.

Tugendhat is the least repellent - he's been principled on China and the Uyghurs. But most people have never heard of him.
I read the papers everyday and had not heard of the tory bastard. hope they all get monkey pox.
Hunt seems the most dangerous (ie for plausibly rebuilding support for the party) of them. NHS staff aren't big fans, but he's quietly been trying to convince people he's sane and centrist for some time, and he's the only one with significant cabinet experience in a government that wasn't run by a cartoon character.

Tugendhat is the least repellent - he's been principled on China and the Uyghurs. But most people have never heard of him.
but - as ever - when the last two go to the membership vote - they will most likely go for the most brexitiy/laura nordar/swivel eyed of the options. Its possible they may come to the senses post johnson and now that brexit is not as totemic (but still very much in the mix). Hunt will have to offer cast iron guarantees he will not backslide and have the uk join the european FTA - but that may not be enough.
Big heaps of fuck knows all around - but i would not he surprised that whoever replaces him is not from the cabinet - as they are all smeared with shit for standing by him.
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but - as ever - when the last two go to the membership vote - they will most likely go for the most brexitiy/laura nordar/swivel eyed of the options. Its possible they may come to the senses post johnson and now that brexit is not as totemic (but still very much in the mix). Hunt will have to offer cast iron guarantees he will not backslide and do have the uk join the european FTA - but that may not be enough.
Big heaps of fuck knows all around - but i would not he surprised that whoever replaces him is not from the cabinet - as they are all smeared with shit for standing by him.

Yup. I wouldn't risk a bet on any specific oyutcome right now. Course, the first thing that'll happen is, even if an embarrassingly large number vote against him, Johnson will almost certainly win the no-confidence vote and then we'll have a few weeks of fun watching Raab and Dorries come out with ever more convoluted ways of saying 'Look, it's only a flesh wound...'
Seem to remember in previous votes of NC that a number of those sticking with the incumbent revealed their ballot paper to tellers and other MPs, making it only a semi secret ballot. Whether johnson's team of weirdos, bully's and sycophants will still have the power for rebel MPs to be scared of them, at the point the vote takes place, remains to be seen. Feels like it's ebbing away now and within a few days it will all be about cautiously lining up behind the most likely winner. Cautiously, because the front runner may well not win it - and the contest to get in the top 2 MPs (if we get as far as a ballot for a new leader) isn't the same as the contest to get the members vote.

There's a superficial parallel with Thatcher's downfall here, assuming it all goes south for johnson. A - yuk - 'charismatic' and populist leader getting booted out and being replaced by something more beige. And then... :( ... possibly narrow general election victory over a Labour Party obsessed with telling the voters it isn't left wing (Kinnock/Starmer). Well, that's a mood killer.
Yup. I wouldn't risk a bet on any specific oyutcome right now. Course, the first thing that'll happen is, even if an embarrassingly large number vote against him, Johnson will almost certainly win the no-confidence vote and then we'll have a few weeks of fun watching Raab and Dorries come out with ever more convoluted ways of saying 'Look, it's only a flesh wound...'
The normal course of things is that all the payroll vote remain uber loyal till the leader goes and if they are lucky they manage to get a few 'doubts' in before they are booted out. After that, they are loyal to the next one and the world moves on, the cringing fucks. Given that partygate has caused so much offence, not least to those who couldn't be with their dying loved ones, I wonder whether all the 'it's time to move on' crowd will be haunted by their support for johnson? He's (probably) being kicked out for outright dishonesty and contempt for the public - not a good flag to have been marching behind.
From what ive read, none of the lobby hacks think that - more "its too close to call". My feeling is that the desire to get it over with rather than have the human vomit sack continuing to stink the place out whilst clinging on to his job will push enough mps over the line.
From the point of view of the vermin, booting him out serves to move politics on from partygate. They are all complicit but he's the one who embodies the whole squalid episode. I think that point alone will create momentum for even his 'loyalists' to vote him out. Of course the idea of being 'loyal' to boris johnson is an absolute fucking joke. A man who spreads disloyalty and self interest into everything he touches.
From the point of view of the vermin, booting him out serves to move politics on from partygate. They are all complicit but he's the one who embodies the whole squalid episode. I think that point alone will create momentum for even his 'loyalists' to vote him out. Of course the idea of being 'loyal' to boris johnson is an absolute fucking joke. A man who spreads disloyalty and self interest into everything he touches.
There's always the hope that whoever follows him will be subjected to drip feeds of photos showing that they were just as implicated in the parties :)
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