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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

There's two factors that make me think they'll ditch him given the opportunity.

1 if they don't they're stuck with him for a year, and
2 if they do get shot of him it'll take the heat out of the covid enquiry.

If he survives the vonc, it'll be down to the usual workplace bullying.
Had many people heard of Cameron when he became leader? (I can’t remember myself!)
I think he started off as the outsider, didn't he? Davis had more experience, but people don't warm to him. (Obvs I don't warm to Cameron either - but someone must have.)
He'll almost certainly go back to his old jobs on the speaking circuit and as a columnist. He can command even more money now he's been PM.
Would the Torygraph take him back? I've got the sense that even they are having second thoughts about whether he's the best person to be leader of the party.

He could renew his dual citizenship and stand as Trump's 2024 running mate.
I think he started off as the outsider, didn't he? Davis had more experience, but people don't warm to him. (Obvs I don't warm to Cameron either - but someone must have.)
Cameron first came to my attention because back then I could still bring myself to watch Newsnight sometimes. And I happened to see the infamous segment where they had pollster Frank Luntz do a focus group thing that attempted to demonstrate that the Tories had found their Blair equivalent in Cameron, someone that could lead them out of the wilderness. The very same Newsnight segment appears to have received credit for then helping Cameron win the leadership contest. Remembering this does remind me of just how comprehensively the media had, until that moment, upheld the idea that the Tories winderness years were deep and profound with little prospect of escape. A task made easier by the Tories leadership choices in those years.

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suppose it would have been difficult for the state propaganda unit BBC to use film from a previous jubilee, like they did the year he was somewhere between still pissed / hung over at the cenotaph on remembrance day a few years back...
She's been crazy for a while. Or just so dim that reality is forever out of reach to her.
She's the sort of person where you could say 'she's not really a politician' and that to be an insult rather than a compliment. The sort of person you've know over the years who is just fucking horrible. Lying, really negative, grossly self interested, misanthropic, but without the politicians skill of spinning lies and conceit in a vaguely consistent manner. She's even dishonest in her dishonesty.
Blimey that's quick, all the reports I've seen & heard had been suggesting the vote would be on Wednesday.

Anyway, it's confirmed, voting between 6 & 8pm tonight, and announcement as soon as the votes are counted.
And if he wins, under the current rules he can't be challenged for a year, so they will change the rules. :thumbs:

BTW - I haven't checked this, but is it a uniquely Tory thing to change their leader when in govt? I can't think offhand of Labour ever doing it, though obvs they haven't been in office so many times.
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