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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

the tory brexit/pro covid headbangers have turned on johnson now he has outlived his usefulness. They never trusted him - (but then - who does) - saw him as their useful idiot (which is exactly how johnson saw them).

problem for wanner be leaders is how to accommodate these twats - with their Thatcherite economics and their disdain for covid controls - when that is not what the voters want.
Thing is that I don’t begrudge people in principle for changing their mind on an issue over the course of 24 years. Many views that were mainstream in 1997 are now considered beyond the pale.
So what was socialism then, is not socialism anymore? The definition of socialism has changed?
The definitions of all abstract concepts change constantly.
And so the definition of socialism that was then is not the same anymore, it has changed? The dictionary has a different definition of socialism now than it did two decades ago? Has the definition of facism also changed in the last two decades?
And so the definition of socialism that was then is not the same anymore, it has changed? The dictionary has a different definition of socialism now than it did two decades ago? Has the definition of facism also changed in the last two decades?
Yes, not necessarily and yes, in that order. That’s assuming you are the word “definition” as you seem to be, i.e, “detailing every last element that is encompassed by this concept.” That’s not how I would define “definition” but hey, that’s an abstract concept too.

Not that I would have considered paternity leave to be socialism either in 1997 or today.
You don't feel that Johnson was aggin it when it applied to other people but furrit now it applies to him kabbes?
Possibly, although another way of putting that is that having lost the battle for its introduction, he's now as entitled to take advantage of it as anybody else. You can just look on that as being democratic. You debate something, the polity decides and then everybody abides by that decision, for good or for ill.

I think there is enough to hang Johnson on today without pointing out that he disagreed with something 24 years ago.
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