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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

what the bet with him coming down with omicron so he can pissed about in his flat for a week
and avoid interviews

I really think he's had it as PM, the picture above is from the Telegraph of all places. It shows him looking totally dejected, maskless and then with the police behind him, masked and giving him the copper's eye really tales a tale in the readers' mind.
I really think he's had it as PM, the picture above is from the Telegraph of all places. It shows him looking totally dejected, maskless and then with the police behind him, masked and giving him the copper's eye really tales a tale in the readers' mind.
The speed with which his world has come crashing down is quite something - from giving it large after returning from the COP, wibbling on about how well he'd done, to this, in just a few weeks. I love it. Did Thatcher's Downfall happen so quickly? I can't remember.
The speed with which his world has come crashing down is quite something - from giving it large after returning from the COP, wibbling on about how well he'd done, to this, in just a few weeks. I love it. Did Thatcher's Downfall happen so quickly? I can't remember.

I looked into it and it seems there were only about 9 days between her being savaged by a dead sheep and bowing out of the leadership contest. But of course in other respects her political demise was a long time in the making.
I think what's really cut Boris down is that he mastered the art of the personable photo op and charismatic #bants in the press.

Covid has shat on that, he can't pull pints and do charming fun photo ops anymore. He's a clown who can't clown and suddenly it turns out the performance is just a performance, there really is nothing under it.
Def give it a go. It's one of a few films I can watch again and again every year or two.
I have watched it sorry that wasn't clear in my post. :) Watched it twice it's one of my favourite films, but not watched it in good quality is what I had meant. Planning to watch again tomorrow.
I looked into it and it seems there were only about 9 days between her being savaged by a dead sheep and bowing out of the leadership contest. But of course in other respects her political demise was a long time in the making.
I vaguely remember being surprised when it happened, but can't recall whether that was solely because of the suddenness (9 days!) or whether there had been rumblings of discontent from her own party for some time ... I think there was surprise and joy at her finally going cos she'd been PM for all my adult life up till then, winning three General Elections she seemed unstoppable.

Just been reading this on the Wikipedia; seems she resigned on 22 November 1990, but Labour had been leading the opinion polls since mid-1989, and the widespread opposition to the poll tax, including the March 1990 riot, indicated that she'd lost her touch. Plus inflation was high and interest rates even higher. So I guess the writing was on the wall for some time, whether we realised it or not.
I have watched it sorry that wasn't clear in my post. :) Watched it twice it's one of my favourite films, but not watched it in good quality is what I had meant. Planning to watch again tomorrow.
Might do the same myself now I've got a bigger monitor plugged into the laptop :)
I vaguely remember being surprised when it happened, but can't recall whether that was solely because of the suddenness (9 days!) or whether there had been rumblings of discontent from her own party for some time ... I think there was surprise and joy at her finally going cos she'd been PM for all my adult life up till then, winning three General Elections she seemed unstoppable.

Just been reading this on the Wikipedia; seems she resigned on 22 November 1990, but Labour had been leading the opinion polls since mid-1989, and the widespread opposition to the poll tax, including the March 1990 riot, indicated that she'd lost her touch. Plus inflation was high and interest rates even higher. So I guess the writing was on the wall for some time, whether we realised it or not.

there was a leadership challenge in a year earlier in November 1989 with a "stalking horse" - anthony meyer - some old timer tory mp who still managed to get 33 mps to vote for him. It showed there was some serious discontent brewing amongst the parliamentary vermin. the following year opposition to the poll tax was full on and reflected in plummeting polls, byelection defeats and widespread angry protests . Howes resignation and "dead sheep" speech was actually over her Eu stance and general high-handedness/ demented dictator schtick - and it triggered the leadership election that ousted her - but it was the poll tax that really fucked her.
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