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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Bit unfair. Whatever else Johnson is, he's no Nazi. Nor is he a master oratoer. he's just an overprivileged chancer and schemer who is now, as a result of that, hopelessly out of his depth

This is true. The Germans don't tend to throw comparisons with the Nazis around lightly, though, and the fact they're doing so now is probably a sign of how badly the idiot has shat the bed so far as a lot of Europeans are concerned.
In hindsight Angela Rayner should have been the left candidate in the leadership contest. I supported RLB - however Rayner probably would’ve won, we wouldn’t be shifting massively to the right, RLB would probably be shadow chancellor and maybe Corbyn would be on the frontbench.
In hindsight Angela Rayner should have been the left candidate in the leadership contest. I supported RLB - however Rayner probably would’ve won, we wouldn’t be shifting massively to the right, RLB would probably be shadow chancellor and maybe Corbyn would be on the frontbench.
Hmmm...rayner's soft left, at best. So really is Starmer, if his leadership election platform is any guide.
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For somebody doing it for the first time, with not much preparation and lead up opportunity, I thought Rayner did a good job at PMQ's.
She actually might have achieved something by mentioning the childbirth situation and Coronavirus.
Boris Johnson remains an utter verminous world class cunt, and a huge part of me wishes Rayner had smashed his teeth out with the Mace.
I like this thread exists!
The spectator has rounded on BoJo, words like a razor, and I quote

"Oliver Hardy has left the stage, replaced by Oliver Cromwell"

Ooooo, who's taking bets on how long he has left?
I like this thread exists!
The spectator has rounded on BoJo, words like a razor, and I quote

"Oliver Hardy has left the stage, replaced by Oliver Cromwell"

Ooooo, who's taking bets on how long he has left?

He'll probably survive a lot longer than you'd expect. Theresa May was basically a lame duck from 2017 onwards and lasted for two years more. And she didn't even have a rabid group of supporters behind her like Boris does his Brexiteers.

In some ways it'll suit the Tories for Boris to remain in power: ideological failings can be blamed on his own personal incompetence.

They'll only become concerned to the point of booting him out once Labour are consistently beating the Tories in the polls, and right now it looks like that could still be a fair way off.
I like this thread exists!
The spectator has rounded on BoJo, words like a razor, and I quote

"Oliver Hardy has left the stage, replaced by Oliver Cromwell"

Ooooo, who's taking bets on how long he has left?

as critiques go that from the Spectator really isn't a very good one
He'll probably survive a lot longer than you'd expect. Theresa May was basically a lame duck from 2017 onwards and lasted for two years more. And she didn't even have a rabid group of supporters behind her like Boris does his Brexiteers.

In some ways it'll suit the Tories for Boris to remain in power: ideological failings can be blamed on his own personal incompetence.

They'll only become concerned to the point of booting him out once Labour are consistently beating the Tories in the polls, and right now it looks like that could still be a fair way off.

I agree, but they will look at their huge majority and see another covid surge and think if we manage this better now, we can win next time easy. Easy to change now. Harder nearer elections.
Whats so puzzling about Trump, all he had to do was to handle Covid-19 a bit better now and he's got a second term (arg!).
as critiques go that from the Spectator really isn't a very good one
Critique? I like it because its the right wing press rounding on their 'cuddly darling' they fawned over for so long. All burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.
I agree, but they will look at their huge majority and see another covid surge and think if we manage this better now, we can win next time easy. Easy to change now. Harder nearer elections.
Whats so puzzling about Trump, all he had to do was to handle Covid-19 a bit better now and he's got a second term (arg!).

They might - but the problem is plenty within the Tory Party do genuinely back Boris and see him as the best option to lead the country. For as long as he's got a realistic chance of winning an election they're unlikely to try and risk pushing him out since it could jeopardise their own hopes for advancement in the future.

With Trump - the problem is that tackling Covid-19 effectively would've involved him being willing to listen to scientists, while also being willing to temporarily damage economic growth for the good of public health. Both approaches would contradict everything he is and everything he believes in as a politician. Which is grimly ironic since he's likely contributed to his own downfall.
still don't believe bojo ever meant to do a full Parliament season

it was more about becoming PM rather than the job

look at the time he has spent before this preforming like a political leader and not dicking about with his much younger G/f

the useless daft twat can now claim he has to leave due to the new baby and covids after effects and continue his media career sniping from the side lines

whilst proclaiming if it was not for his Honorable service and noble sacrifice he could of lead the country to a better future
Well Murdoch has turned on him so his days are numbered.

I thought the whole point of Cummings being in charge is that they want inexperienced lightweights who are loyal and do what they want? I believe The Sun is still showing support for Johnson so don’t think that the Murdoch press are turning against him.
Critique? I like it because its the right wing press rounding on their 'cuddly darling' they fawned over for so long. All burn in hell as far as I'm concerned.

It isn't really rounding on him though, is it? They said he'd gone from Oliver Hardy to Oliver Cromwell, not from Oliver Hardy to Jamie Oliver.
still don't believe bojo ever meant to do a full Parliament season

it was more about becoming PM rather than the job

look at the time he has spent before this preforming like a political leader and not dicking about with his much younger G/f

the useless daft twat can now claim he has to leave due to the new baby and covids after effects and continue his media career sniping from the side lines

whilst proclaiming if it was not for his Honorable service and noble sacrifice he could of lead the country to a better future

I think he liked the idea of holding power and being able to force through Brexit while garnering more and more support from the right, but Covid has largely thwarted those ambitions by forcing him to instead focus on a major public health over which he has no actual personal control. It's the antithesis of how he'd have wanted his time as PM to go.
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