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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

yes, quite a few digs!:D
Courtesy of the Guardian, More on a beautifully subversive bookshelf

eyes turned to the bookshelves behind him, lined with titles like The Twits, Betrayed and The Subtle Knife.

“Whichever librarian managed to get not just the “The Twits” but also “Betrayed”; “Resistance” and “Fahrenheit 451” in the shot behind Johnson has my admiration,” tweeted Sam Freedman, a former senior policy advisor at the DfE

Freedman continued: “It has been noted that the Subtle Knife; Glass Houses; The Toll (about a monstrous dictator); and Guards Guards (about a shady villain installing a puppet king) are all there too. It looks like it’s been carefully curated!”
:D :D
SLT = Senior Leadership Team? I wouldn't be surprised if an SLT that let Johnson into its school did make the librarian a former librarian. But, likewise, intrigued to hear if you can tell.
SLT = Senior Leadership Team? I wouldn't be surprised if an SLT that let Johnson into its school did make the librarian a former librarian. But, likewise, intrigued to hear if you can tell.
Always troubling to imagine what sort of a bunch of cunts management team let that fucker in amongst their pupils for his ridiculous photoshoots.
Always troubling to imagine what sort of a bunch of cunts management team let that fucker in amongst their pupils for his ridiculous photoshoots.
I was a Civil Service local office union rep many years ago. I heard that the local management had invited the local tory mp round for a visit. I was into their office in two secs flat to put a stop to it.
I would be appalled if any of my daughter's schools had allowed themselves to be used as tory propaganda.
I was a Civil Service local office union rep many years ago. I heard that the local management had invited the local tory mp round for a visit. I was into their office in two secs flat to put a stop to it.
I would be appalled if any of my daughter's schools had allowed themselves to be used as tory propaganda.
The surprise displayed by the Y7 class he crashed into would suggest that the parents of the kids exploited for the photo op were not approached properly for prior permission. Like you, I'd have been utterly appalled had that happened to any of mine.
SLT = Senior Leadership Team? I wouldn't be surprised if an SLT that let Johnson into its school did make the librarian a former librarian. But, likewise, intrigued to hear if you can tell.
Oh no, I know what an SLT is, I just wondered how SI had the lowdown on this particular situation
Not in the least bit surprised.
He'll take us through Brexit and the shitstorm that follows that, then step down for Dishy Mishi before the next election. He has his name on the board at Eton that lists OB PMs, and that's all he's ever been interested in.

I mean it would be nice if he is still suffering and all that, but no other tory big nob is going to step up and take the flak at the moment, or for the next year or more
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