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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Apparently he's had to cut short his holiday because newspapers printing the location put him at risk of sniper fire. If only.

He was at the Old Schoolhouse at Lonbain by Applecross - within two miles of a recently upgraded defence installation with a slipway, helipad and probably all the support/communications facilities any holidaying PM and his staff/security might need, plus the presence of naval vessels in the Sound barely raises an eyelid locally.
Didn't the great Sorley MacLean once live there? Pretty sure he taught in Applecross. Sacrilege!

Not that I’m aware of? He taught on Mull and later at Plockton High School - which housed pupils from Applecross in it’s hostel. In that period and the latter part of his life lived at The Braes on Skye.

Applecross would undoubtedly not have been unknown to him though - the site of Hallaig is right across the Sound.
Not that I’m aware of? He taught on Mull and later at Plockton High School - which housed pupils from Applecross in it’s hostel. In that period and the latter part of his life lived at The Braes on Skye.

Applecross would undoubtedly not have been unknown to him though - the site of Hallaig is right across the Sound.
I must be mixing it up with Plockton, visited the two places on the same trip many years ago.
Any non-locals near the cottage in Applecross would have stuck out like a sore thumb anyway, it's a very isolated and sparsely populated part of Scotland. Sadly the PM was probably perfectly safe there.

Makes one wonder if there was another reason why he chose to leave...
Any non-locals near the cottage in Applecross would have stuck out like a sore thumb anyway, it's a very isolated and sparsely populated part of Scotland. Sadly the PM was probably perfectly safe there.

Makes one wonder if there was another reason why he chose to leave...
It’s a major stop on the NC500 and a tourist hotspot. Normally, anyway.
Seems his bellend tent wasn’t pitched on the land of the cottage he rented, was on a farmer’s field and erected without permission and Boris and his entourage put chairs next to the fence to make a style rather than walk up to the gate. Boris bailed and left it to the taxpayer to clean up his mess.

I've read that story about five or six times now and still can't get my head around it. Why would you put up a tent knowing you had to climb over a fence to get to it, unless you wanted to inconvienience the person (people) who would be using it?
I've read that story about five or six times now and still can't get my head around it. Why would you put up a tent knowing you had to climb over a fence to get to it, unless you wanted to inconvienience the person (people) who would be using it?
Vladislav Surkov told Cummings to tell Johnson's manservant to put up a tent to distract, confuse and frustrate the leftists.
It’s a major stop on the NC500 and a tourist hotspot. Normally, anyway.

Few people stop at Lonbain though. There is no easy access to the coast without going through some crofters rough grazing and it’s not the most scenic stretch - on a good day you get a good view out over the Minch but it’s a number of miles up the Sheildaig road, with some more miles to go before you get magnificent views of the mountains of Torridon rising up before you.

The only reason I‘ve stopped there previously was to watch a submarine doing donuts out in the Sound.

I’ve told the story here before but Applecross was the place where, one particularly raucous night in one of its bars, I saw the barperson take a phone call and immediately start making a big pot of tea. When another drinker asked, “who the fuck’s drinking tea at this time of night?” They replied - “you have your neighbourhood watch - but here we have police watch. As soon as they start down either road, we know!”

A few minutes later and after anyone doing anything particularly untoward had been quietly whispered-to, it was - “Ahh, hello gentlemen, I’ve just made some tea, will you have a cup...?” :D
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Here is another picture of Johnson with a fiddler.

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