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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Someone needs to tell him 5 billion is chicken feed when it comes to infrastructure.
£5 billion is about 25 Garden Bridges or 5.5% of Boris Island Airport.

Or 5.7% of the current guesstimate for the cost of HS2.

Leveling up!
if there wasn't already this monster thread for the nefandous johnson i'd have to start one titled 'boris johnson: the gentrifiers' friend'

removing the need to get planning permission to change commercial premises to residential ones will see greater strain put on fewer local resources and is the sort of thing only a fuckwit shit like johnson would consider

That Irish jet looks like it was designed by the cunt who "technically" doesn't cheat in a paper aeroplane contest :hmm:
Ah here, you leave that jet alone, it’s an integral
part of government. Some very important ministers have used that jet to fly down the country to cut the ribbon of their good friends new off licence.
removing the need to get planning permission to change commercial premises to residential ones will see greater strain put on fewer local resources and is the sort of thing only a fuckwit shit like johnson would consider

Not quite. An office block in Harlow has been converted into social housing, which bizarrely doesn't need planning permission from either Harlow DC or Essex CC. And this happened on May's watch.
Boris Johnson says Britain should clap for bankers and won't promise pay rise for nurses

"under this government we also applaud those who make our NHS possible - our innovators, our wealth creators, our capitalists, our financiers."

“In the end, it is their willingness to take risks with their own money that will be crucial for our future success.”

I didn't watch his speech when it came out. Glad I missed it, because even reading about this shit second-hand makes me want to fucking punch my screen in.

How do the capitalists and financiers get their money, hmm? Does it just grow on trees? Actually even if it did grow on trees, you'd still need to hire workers in order to harvest it. Also an orchard of money trees would need to be protected against those fools who think they can just live off nature's bounty, instead of being forced to sell their labour for less than its value.

I know that Johnson is a fucking Tory scum cunt, so it's not surprising that he would come out with this kind of shit. Maybe I can take some comfort from the probability that he felt the need to speak up in defence of the massively organised theft of labour and life that is capitalism.
Boris Johnson says Britain should clap for bankers and won't promise pay rise for nurses

"under this government we also applaud those who make our NHS possible - our innovators, our wealth creators, our capitalists, our financiers."

“In the end, it is their willingness to take risks with their own money that will be crucial for our future success.”

I didn't watch his speech when it came out. Glad I missed it, because even reading about this shit second-hand makes me want to fucking punch my screen in.

How do the capitalists and financiers get their money, hmm? Does it just grow on trees? Actually even if it did grow on trees, you'd still need to hire workers in order to harvest it. Also an orchard of money trees would need to be protected against those fools who think they can just live off nature's bounty, instead of being forced to sell their labour for less than its value.

I know that Johnson is a fucking Tory scum cunt, so it's not surprising that he would come out with this kind of shit. Maybe I can take some comfort from the probability that he felt the need to speak up in defence of the massively organised theft of labour and life that is capitalism.
I'll clap for bankers when they're jigging at the end of a rope
Not quite. An office block in Harlow has been converted into social housing, which bizarrely doesn't need planning permission from either Harlow DC or Essex CC. And this happened on May's watch.

Permitted development regulations allow this. Loads of tiny flats below the recommended 35 sq m minimum.

The new regs will encourage speculators to buy detached houses, leave them empty for the requisite amount of time and then demolish and build apartments. No planning required. Quite a bit of blow back across Tory villages, I should think. England is going to look very different.
Permitted development regulations allow this. Loads of tiny flats below the recommended 35 sq m minimum.

The new regs will encourage speculators to buy detached houses, leave them empty for the requisite amount of time and then demolish and build apartments. No planning required. Quite a bit of blow back across Tory villages, I should think. England is going to look very different.

Tory councils will have the money to object and take the matter up to the tory planning minister who will find in favour of blocking any such development.
There's bound to be some planning regulations, I can't see them allowing someone to crowdsource putting up a 30-foot high board outside Johnson's garden saying "Fuck you Boris".
No, he’s right. That’s what “permitted development” means — development that doesn’t need planning permission. The National planning policy Framework lays out the basis for this, with specific guidance speaking it out in more detail. If a type of development has been designated as “permitted development”, it means you can just do it with no need to ask.

A 30 foot board would not count as permitted development.
Fair enough, but I can't see a council house estate in a nice rich tory village constituency being permitted development either.
Boris Johnson says Britain should clap for bankers and won't promise pay rise for nurses

"under this government we also applaud those who make our NHS possible - our innovators, our wealth creators, our capitalists, our financiers."

“In the end, it is their willingness to take risks with their own money that will be crucial for our future success.”

I didn't watch his speech when it came out. Glad I missed it, because even reading about this shit second-hand makes me want to fucking punch my screen in.

How do the capitalists and financiers get their money, hmm? Does it just grow on trees? Actually even if it did grow on trees, you'd still need to hire workers in order to harvest it. Also an orchard of money trees would need to be protected against those fools who think they can just live off nature's bounty, instead of being forced to sell their labour for less than its value.

I know that Johnson is a fucking Tory scum cunt, so it's not surprising that he would come out with this kind of shit. Maybe I can take some comfort from the probability that he felt the need to speak up in defence of the massively organised theft of labour and life that is capitalism.

Its an integral part of our national psyche now- lots of WC people on social media during the Jezza years thumping on about how LP policies are eroding profit for companies- beggars belief
No, he’s right. That’s what “permitted development” means — development that doesn’t need planning permission. The National planning policy Framework lays out the basis for this, with specific guidance speaking it out in more detail. If a type of development has been designated as “permitted development”, it means you can just do it with no need to ask.

A 30 foot board would not count as permitted development.

It's not entirely as straightforward as that.

For example - for some years now there's been something that allows extra-large domestic extensions. It was "temporary" for a while and has now become essentially permanent. There is a default maximum size that you can do under permitted development, and for that, no permission is required from the local authority. Then there is this extra allowance, which is also part of the permitted development rights, but in fact you have to apply for it. In practice what this means is that if any of your neighbours object, then the LA gets a say in whether you can do it. If your neighbours don't object, then you can go ahead and the LA can't stop you. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this recently proposed stuff ends up being similar.

Also, LAs can prevent any permitted development happening in a certain area by giving it a specific designation, such as a conservation area. That'll be the most obvious way that these rights will be blocked in picturesque Tory voting country villages.

The idea of "permitted development" in principle is fine ... there are certain things for which it makes sense to have some default rules, and not bother LAs or owners with dealing with multiple individual applications. But my impression is that permitted development rights are becoming increasingly bloated by including stuff that should really be subject to proper planning scrutiny. Anyone who frequently has to deal with the rules (eg me :mad: ) knows that they can be a nightmare to interpret unambiguously, can end up disallowing stuff that there's no good reason to disallow, and can allow stuff that really shouldn't be allowed, and which depends on finding loopholes and interpreting the wording in ways that were unintended or unanticipated.

Adding yet more stuff into permitted development rights is just a very lazy way to enable development and take away power from local authorities to implement planning policies coherently. Because certain (usually more well to do) areas can be protected by conservation area status and so on, the worst of what they will enable will be concentrated in places which already suffer the most from bad planning. It already happens and it looks like it's going to get worse.

Most local authority planning departments are horribly underfunded and understaffed. Resourcing them properly would be one way to reduce the time it takes for applications to be processed.
Its an integral part of our national psyche now- lots of WC people on social media during the Jezza years thumping on about how LP policies are eroding profit for companies- beggars belief

Who the fuck are these people? Most of the folks I know aren't ardent communists, but they are certainly very cynical about late capitalism, and don't find it necessary to play cheerleader for it. And why should they? A lot of them are precariously employed in some manner, whether it's fake self-employment or a zero-hours contract.
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