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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

How Ireland see Johnson.

Government advice that told nursing home staff they were not required to use face masks, has since been amended

Depending on the need of the occupant of the nursing home this could quite easily cause distress in residents

plus bed were cleared to make room ffs they built a hospital in 3 days

but it was the Nursing homes not fucking an government advisers fault
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He’ll have had some grovelling underling available to do his hair at any time he liked during this crisis, it’s just one of those things done now so he can pretend to be like one of us and not one of the lizard people.
Lest we forget what actual filth he and his chums are, and from what swamp they were spawned.

Bullingdon members “found it amusing if people were intimidated or frightened by their behaviour. I remember them walking down a street in Oxford in their tails, chanting ‘Buller, Buller’ and smashing bottles along the way, just to cow people.”

She recalled a party held in a room at Magdalen in the academic year 1985/6 at which guests were invited to “come as your alter ego”. Two Bullingdon members appeared in Nazi uniforms and “goose-stepped back and forth in the upstairs galleried area”. They were photographed by a friend of the woman who was taking pictures of the party.

“The next morning [the pair] came round to her room. They barged in and pulled the roll of film out of the camera. She was a feisty character, and told lots of people about this. She died a couple of years ago.”

The woman who was the club recruiter said: “Boris was one of the big beasts of the club. He was up for anything. They treated certain types of people with absolute disdain, and referred to them as ‘plebs’ or ‘grockles’, and the police were always called ‘plod’. Their attitude was that women were there for their entertainment.”

So this is happening...

Paul Waugh

It's happening. Statement from Intelligence and Security Committee: "The Committee has unanimously agreed this morning that it will publish the Report on Russia prepared by its predecessor before the house rises for the summer recess. There will be no further comment."
This could either be brutal for our disgraced government or a damp squib :hmm:
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