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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

So this is happening...

Paul Waugh

It's happening. Statement from Intelligence and Security Committee: "The Committee has unanimously agreed this morning that it will publish the Report on Russia prepared by its predecessor before the house rises for the summer recess. There will be no further comment."
Assume this was the quid pro quo for supporting Lewis :thumbs:.
Gimpston Herdchill and the Second Waves have been firming up their set list and stage wardrobes for their 'it will all be over by Christmas' tour.

Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 12.29.45.png

Mr Johnson said authorities were getting better at identifying and isolating local outbreaks, adding that the power to order national action will remain an option.

"I can't abandon that tool any more than I would abandon a nuclear deterrent. But it is like a nuclear deterrent, I certainly don't want to use it. And nor do I think we will be in that position again," he said.

Amd they think they've found a way to make the pandemic fit their agenda and propaganda:

In the wide-ranging Telegraph interview to mark the prime minister's first year in office, Boris Johnson insisted his agenda for domestic reform and "levelling up" the economy would not be blown off course by the pandemic.

"We want to be a transformative government because there's a massive opportunity in this country to do things differently and to do things better," he said.

"We've seen that really exemplified in what happened with coronavirus."

He said that while the Civil Service was "absolutely fantastic", lessons could be learned from the pandemic.

"Maybe there are ways in which we can all learn together to do things faster, to have a real spirit of 'can do'. I think sometimes it's a question of confidence and belief," he said.
At PMQs last week he claimed that the awarding of honours was done independently of political parties. If that's the case many in the Lords wasted a lot of money.

What might was that exactly? Might get round to a lockdown, might drag heels and try to avoid one? Might bother to pretend to care, might just make jokes about operation last gasp and then end up hospitalised? Might recycle the obsolete free trade lockdown-resisting Clark Kent cape of his early 2020 fantasies into one of the shittest masks yet seen on a politician in this pandemic?

Also the rather different nature of analysis north of the border, even from the BBC, is a source of continued eyebrow wiggling for me. I know this is far from a new phenomenon, and in this case its still the BBC so it still veers off in the usual direction, the safety frame is still there.

This visit is, first of all, an exercise in power.

The prime minister is stressing the power of the UK Treasury; the power of the armed might of the UK in the fight against coronavirus.

But if it's only about power and might, that's like jingoism or imperialism and the prime minister is alert to that.

So I think he will also say that it's about a combined bond - a bond forged by the union over 300 years between the peoples of England and Scotland.

It isn't just about the clout of cash and arms. Boris Johnson has called himself the Minister for the Union as well as the prime minister and so, for him, this trek north of the border is an attempt to defend the Union as he sees it from a substantial and substantive threat.
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