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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Johnson's new phallus has been on display.
I mentioned the flag on the bandwidth thread or wherever but it's probably correct, FWIW. That's how flags work.

Like these for example:



“ By aeronautical convention, you consider the front of the plane to be equivalent to a flag pole from which the flag is flying. So on one side of the fuselage you’ll see the flag with its usual orientation, while on the other side it is reversed.”

I've always believed that they're all as bad as each other but he's really not up to it is he. I just don't understand it at all.

Twice in the last couple of weeks there I've seen articles in the press with headlines stating Dominic Cumming's policy intentions (The Times - I'll take an axe to planning laws says Dominic Cummings and The Express - 'Cummings vows to be 'hard as rain' as he RIPS APART 'anti-Brexit' civil service post-COVID'). How fucking shit at being in charge do you have to be that the bloke you pay to be in charge of briefing the press just leaves you out of the whole fucking thing. Or is this in fact the party trying to persuade its base that someone with half a brain is actually doing something? I've spent the last four years being gobsmacked on a daily basis but it really is getting worse isn't it?
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