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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Calling Johnson a cunt seems somehow insufficient now. He's been a complete cunt for as long as anybody can remember. Now his willful negligence has killed 20,000 people in under three months he's on a whole new level of... I don't even know what word sums up how despicable he is.
Utter cunt? Despicable cuntweasel? Loathesome cuntmuppet?
All lack the venom any description of him deserves.
When I am searching for some particularly disgusting epithet, I look no further than my (short-lived) experiment in chicken keeping. diseased cloacae...or prolapsed vent come to mind...but there is a catalogue of quite eyewateringly vile conditions which can affect backyard poultry...and most are apt for the cowardly scum in Westminster.
Calling Johnson a cunt seems somehow insufficient now. He's been a complete cunt for as long as anybody can remember. Now his willful negligence has killed 20,000 people in under three months he's on a whole new level of... I don't even know what word sums up how despicable he is.
I have had the tune in my head all day. It is an earworm worth having. Mind you it is not easy to forget how much of a lying cuntchops that twat is.
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Calling Johnson a cunt seems somehow insufficient now. He's been a complete cunt for as long as anybody can remember. Now his willful negligence has killed 20,000 people in under three months he's on a whole new level of... I don't even know what word sums up how despicable he is.

Boris Johnson: giving cunts a bad name since 1964.
chalkhorse said:
A Shakespearean insult : Johnson is a plague-sore.

The bard had him, alright :

“A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.”
All’s Well That Ends Well (Act 3, Scene 6)

On top of which :

King Lear said:
Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Filths savour but themselves. What have you done?
He's already dead behind these eyes.

“That trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years?”
Henry IV Part 1 (Act 2, Scene 4)

Calling Johnson a cunt seems somehow insufficient now. He's been a complete cunt for as long as anybody can remember. Now his willful negligence has killed 20,000 people in under three months he's on a whole new level of... I don't even know what word sums up how despicable he is.
Not to be a pedant but I think I'm right on saying it's 42,000 Covid deaths and 60,000+ deaths overall, from knock on effects of the crisis, as of today
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Not to be a pedant but I think I'm right on saying it's 42,000 Covid deaths and 60,000+ deaths overall, from knock on effects of the crisis, as of today
I got the 20,000 figure for people killed by Johnson's negligence from Neil Ferguson's widely reported claim that the total number of Covid deaths in the UK could've been halved if lockdown had been introduced a week earlier. Of course, if we're looking at the excess deaths rather than official figures the number is around 30,000.

We can't lay every death from Covid on Johnson. It's a global catastrophe that has killed large numbers in every country comparable to the UK. But that week of delay - the delay Ferguson claims cost 20,000 to 30,000 lives - that is entirely on Johnson. I remember that week well. Everyone knew a lockdown was coming. People were asking 'why hasn't it happened yet?'. Businesses and schools were taking matters into their own hands and closing down while Johnson just looked shocked and bemused. I'm sure he's got all sorts of excuses for his inaction that week - following the science; didn't think the people would go for it - but that's all just his usual blather to cover up that he didn't want to do what had to be done and waited until after the last possible moment to announce the lockdown.

So, yeah. Boris Johnson is personally responsible for killing between 20,000 and 30,000 British people. As responsible as if he'd personally strangled them in their sleep. I believe the maximum sentence for gross negligence manslaughter is 18 years. He was, is and will continue to be a total cunt, but his continued freedom makes him a cancer on just society.
I thought the 42,000 thing was just made up bollocks anyway. The ONS had it as fifty something thousand covid deaths up to the fifth of June.
I was fortunate, my workplace closed the main office on 16th March and switched us all to remote working from that point. Only one of my co-workers has tested positive, fortunately on the weekend of 14th/15th March so nobody else caught it from him.

Had Boris been more decisive more people would not have died.
42,000 is the number dead after having tested positive, the 50,000 ONS deaths will be where it’s mentioned on death certificate, so also includes those suspected of dying from it who weren’t tested. Then there’s the excess deaths compared to a normal year, which was up to about 60,000 last time I paid attention to it.
During Prime Minister’s Questions on 10 June, Boris Johnson said that children were returning to 97% of primary schools which submitted data on this.

This is not true. Data now published by the Department for Education (DfE) shows that on the day the Prime Minister made his claim, 69% of the primary and nursery schools in England which submitted data were open to returning children. On average, during the first week of reopening, the number was 49%
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