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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Surely he was not wearing an earpiece judging by his shit performance at PMQs. I suppose it depends who was talking to him.

The person originally tweeted about the earpiece now thinks s/he was mistaken. Hence why they took the tweet down.
I think he had ear problems when he was young, and recently when one of the journalists was muted in a press conference he mentioned that he could probably lip read them.
If he does have any significant hearing loss in one ear, the acoustic environment of the chamber (in full cry) would be challenging. Without 'stereo' hearing it really is a challenge to discern the spatial origins of sounds.
If there's any justice, Cummings has to go so we can see him completely fall apart - though I can't see how his influence would actually stop given the money sloshing around in the party.
Forget the earpiece.

Johnson tried to portray any/all criticism of his government as unpatriotic and dangerous.

Currently the Tories are trying to delegitimse any opposition; it is easier than defending their actual actions and it keeps confrontation/disruption going.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Judging by his performance today makes my doubt the earpiece unless there was an even bigger twat on the other end. Didn't actually answer any of Starmer's questions.
He didn't have it in at the daily briefing either. He completely lost it when asked when would Italian workers be allowed back in the UK. Come now, err come over in a bit, when err ( spoke a bit of Italian also in gibberish) err, welcome err, that's all for today, wash ya hands.
Johnson is rubbish every time he speaks without an autocue.
He only has any semblance of use in PMQs when he has his hoard of over privileged arse lickers huzzahing him on.
Starmer still thinks he is in a court arguing with a lawyer, someone needs to tell him he is actually in the circus arguing with the clown. The clown doesn't care if you make him look stupid, or point out he is incompetent. The only thing the clown cares about is that people are looking at him and not you.
Starmer still thinks he is in a court arguing with a lawyer, someone needs to tell him he is actually in the circus arguing with the clown. The clown doesn't care if you make him look stupid, or point out he is incompetent. The only thing the clown cares about is that people are looking at him and not you.
Starmer isn’t really talking to the clown though. He’s talking to us.

well, not us, cos we all think they're all shit, but the ‘average’ us.
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