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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The thing to remember about the last two conservative leadership contests is that the field has been devoid of any sort of talent whatsoever, like not even people who can pretend to look good.

May was chosen over the rest because the choice was between maniac grandmother, Michael fucking Gove and two non-entity crooks whose only ability lies in fleecing the tax payer. Boris would have run but quit at the last minute because he wasn't entirely sure he could win.

Boris won this time around because people actually knew who he was and everyone was fucking bored of Brexit. The candidate list had plenty of choice but half of them noone had ever heard of.
Slight correction: Johnson quit because Gove, his campaign manager, realised what a mess he was about to make of things, and knifed him in the back
Pretty bleak that none of the press appear to be calling out Johnson’s hypocrisy in claiming racism is terrible. BBC in particular. Like letterboxes and picaninnies never happened. We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.
The "Fuck Boris" t-shirt is because of the profanity isn't it? like people getting in trouble over the Inspiral Carpets "Cool as Fuck" T-shirts in the 90's
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