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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Apparently Bo-Jo has commanded that the RAF repaint the aircraft he uses from standard grey to red, white and blue and they aren’t happy.

The site I saw this on had a list off suggested call signs, I liked Hair Farce One best...

Apparently Bo-Jo has commanded that the RAF repaint the aircraft he uses from standard grey to red, white and blue and they aren’t happy.

The site I saw this on had a list off suggested call signs, I liked Hair Farce One best...

They should give him para training. But without the parachute.
Apparently Bo-Jo has commanded that the RAF repaint the aircraft he uses from standard grey to red, white and blue and they aren’t happy.

The site I saw this on had a list off suggested call signs, I liked Hair Farce One best...

Got to be very good odds on this refurbishment costing more than continuing free school meals over the summer does.

or from last week:

Keir Starmer

I want as many children to go back to school as possible, as soon as possible, as quickly as possible—when it is safe. I have been saying that like a broken record for weeks on end. I know that the Prime Minister has rehearsed attack lines, but he should look at what I said in the letter and what I have been saying consistently.

One way in which the Government could help those worst affected would be to extend the national voucher scheme. Because child poverty numbers are so high in this country, 1.3 million children in low-income families rely on those vouchers. They mean that children who cannot go to school because of coronavirus restrictions still get free meals. The Labour Government in Wales have said that they will continue to fund those meals through the summer. Yesterday, the Education Secretary said that will not be the case in England. That is just wrong, and it will lead to further inequality, so may I urge the Prime Minister to reconsider on that point?

The Prime Minister

Of course, we do not normally continue with free school meals over the summer holidays, and I am sure that is right, but we are aware of the particular difficulties faced by vulnerable families. That is why we are announcing a further £63 million of local welfare assistance to be used by local authorities at their discretion to help the most vulnerable families. This Government have put their arms around the people of this country throughout this crisis and done their absolute best to help—[Interruption.] I may say that this is not helped by the wobbling and tergiversation of the Labour party and the right hon. and learned Gentleman. Last week he said that it is not safe; this week he says we are not going fast enough. We protected the NHS, we provided huge numbers of ventilated beds and we are now getting the disease under control, but we will do it in a cautious and contingent way.

Today I will be announcing further measures to open up and unlock our society, but only because of the huge efforts and sacrifice that this country has made. We are sticking to our plan of 11 May. It is a plan that is working and will continue to work, with or without the assistance of the right hon. and learned Gentleman.
I think it was yesterday I heard Jo Johnson on the radio. I got the impression that he thinks his brother is a bit of a bell-end. Is this known to be true?
I think it was yesterday I heard Jo Johnson on the radio. I got the impression that he thinks his brother is a bit of a bell-end. Is this known to be true?
His wife, Amelia Gentleman, must think so as she's a bit of an establishment social justice cruiser type - she's written extensively on the Windrush scandal for example
It's all so clear to me now. Wichetty grubs on the deli, fish counters groaning with barramundi and Moreton Bay bugs, beef snags and Milo at bedtime. Brexiters should've made more of this.

Arnott's fucking Tim Tams.

What a time to be alive.
I'm pretty sure the availability of Tim Tams, of any flavour, was never mentioned during the Brexit campaigns.

So what's he trying to distract us from this time?
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