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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

A piece he wrote on the 23rd not behind the paywall.

You cannot – and again, this is elementary – run this crisis on a 'do as I say, not as I do' basis. And yet that is what the country is now expected to swallow. It is madness and a blunder of career-defining, perhaps even career-ruining, proportions.

A joke, then, albeit not an especially amusing one. Surely someone in Downing Street can appreciate this? This is a shipwreck and all the smart people who say this will blow over or fail to 'cut through' with the public are, I think, sorely mistaken. This is not a difficult story to understand, which is why it is so very powerful.

Again, and above all, this is a moral matter not a legal one and, by virtue of that, a much bigger and more profound affair. The Prime Minister has a simple choice: cut Dominic Cummings loose or be dragged down with him. This ought to be a pretty easy decision.

Good to see that Ming is using his time away from U75 profitably, writing up his conspiracies for the Byline Times.

This as a front page, it really did break some.
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Surely he was not wearing an earpiece judging by his shit performance at PMQs. I suppose it depends who was talking to him.
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