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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

'There's a lot on at the moment'. That's like someone making an excuse for why they can't go to someone's birthday. Not the leader of a country with the Europe's highest deaths in a world pandemic.
That will be his forthcoming wedding and baby duties as he's decided to reform at last on the love front. He'll phone in or throw a sickie for the rest.
The poor bugger only has the tiny yard behind no 10 at the mo. How could he or anyone else possibly rehabilitate in this pokey excuse for an 'outside room'?

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though, now that I look at it again, it does seem to be bigger than my local park

Not too sure about the garden ornaments though:


I would have them scanned for bugs on a daily basis if I were him. Probably a present from Trump on his last visit.
yeah, but he's a character an' that. Ha ha ha, good ol' Bozza...evil msm...draining the swamp...blah blah blah

I'm getting more and more hacked off with the continuing defence of the indefensible. I get that the legion of darkness would rally round to protect one of their spiritual own if the cost to themselves was low but this is really starting to hurt them as a whole, and while some of the minor legionaires are distancing themselves to limit contagion (ha) the well known players are sticking with it. What has al promised them?
Slight sidebar but its a shame we don't snail mail anymore ,it would have been nice to see sackloads of complaints turning up at number ten.
So our test and trace system is redundant because you can quite easily produce a negative. If you've got a cold at the same time as you contract the virus you might be hot but we'll wave you on as okay cos there's no follow up testing when your symptoms persist.

The thing is if I happen to be shopping at the same time as a moron with corona and they're moving round the supermarket at the same pace as me, I might get the call saying I then need to isolate and I've done everything I can not to contract it. Boris didn't mention/swerved what replaces SSP or what alternative pay will exist if your income is usually much higher. People will not isolate if they think they're getting a gnat's fart of a salary.
2m hoola hoops i've said it before it's the solution to keeping fit at the same time
2m hoola hoops i've said it before it's the solution to keeping fit at the same time

Alternatively, there's what a bar near where my sister lives in Germany has apparently done, which is to make everyone wear a metre-long tubular balloon on their head, presumably strapped on somehow. It makes all the punters look as if they're walking around with a ginormous penis sticking out of their head, or a bit like the 'nob-head' sign we used to make at people when I was at school.

As for what's been announced today, it looks like a fairly transparent attempt to try and regain control of the narrative, and damn the cost.
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