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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I do wish they would pull him up on saying thank you so insincerely for every bastard thing. Odds on someone once briefed him and said to show sincerity and appear more human to the public offer thanks for things and now he does it all the bloody time.
I think it's a fairly standard managementy type thing.

Hell, I sometimes do it when taking to management. Got to keep things civil ;)
I can see Yvette Cooper's point, but giving him the opportunity to tell people "yes, they can do what Cummings did" is really dangerous.

Hillier's question was far better.
Hyde Park was heaving today. I saw one group blatantly play the Cummings card when a copper asked them to move on. He threatened them with a fine but then gave up. I actually felt sorry for him. There were groups everywhere. It's got totally out of control.
Possibly not the thread, but I don't understand how contact tracing will be in any way possible at this stage, when bally hundreds of thousands of us will have it.
Maybe its cos ewe're sane yorkshire folk, but we went to the local botanical gardens on monday, and there were a couple of groups of four that looked like two households coming together, but otherwise everyone was very much sticking by the rules. Same in town today, a few people in the green spaces but all quite properly distanced. Mates in Scarborough said that the beaches have been largely empty still. So far from totally out of control.
Possibly not the thread, but I don't understand how contact tracing will be in any way possible at this stage, when bally hundreds of thousands of us will have it.
It also relies on people being tested, and oh how great that has been so far :rolleyes: , and people having a mobile with the capacity for an app. Doris on the corner who has no one to buy her milk and doesn't drive is not going to have access to either and will go out with her granny trolley regardless.
I'm trying to get some work done so not watching this, but could some kind soul give an impression of how he's doing? Say on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most commanding, polished performance you could possibly imagine, and 1 being ... well, Cummings' statement.
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