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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Yeltsin would never have written a book which claimed the Germans won at stalingrad
Crikey - how the actual fuck did we end up here ?

The Churchill Factor was so full of inaccuracies that it quickly got a response from Richard J. Evans, a professor of history at the University of Cambridge. He listed many of the lies and distortions made throughout the book including, for instance, glossing over Churchill’s support for European unity. However, some of the unintended mistakes are arguably worse. For someone claiming to be a historian and who feels educated enough to write a book on Churchill, he makes some claims which are wildly inaccurate. Notably, he claims that the Germans captured Stalingrad, the city which they famously failed to conquer (losing about 800,000 Axis troops), and which turned the tide of the war against them. This is a mistake so glaring that it is remarkable the book was published as is.

Boris never bothers to weigh up opposing arguments. Rather than engage, he just insults people in strange ways, taking the attention off the actual debate and on to whatever he just said. A good example of this is “Stilton-eating surrender monkeys”. This would be one thing in an informal discussion, quite another when he claims this is a legitimate book on history. Instead, the attention is entirely focused around himself. At first glance, it is notable that every one of his books is published with his face on the front cover. His vanity is also displayed in the introduction to his book ostensibly about Churchill, where he refers to himself 30 times. Sonia Purnell, journalist and author of a biography on Johnson, argued this book “says perhaps less about Churchill than it does about the ambition and self-image of Boris”.

Crikey - how the actual fuck did we end up here ?

I wonder what he was planning to do to Shakespeare ....
Why's he clinging to Cummings like a limpet then? What's the actual story behind that?
Because I think he knows, at some level in what passes for his consciousness, that he can't manage without Cummings. I suspect that's partly at least because Cummings will have gone to some trouble to make sure he believes that, because it will have made Cummings feel indispensible...and I strongly suspect that's an important thing for Cummings.
Because I think he knows, at some level in what passes for his consciousness, that he can't manage without Cummings. I suspect that's partly at least because Cummings will have gone to some trouble to make sure he believes that, because it will have made Cummings feel indispensible...and I strongly suspect that's an important thing for Cummings.
When he was Eton he no doubt paid a swot (Cameron !) to do his homework to save him having to put in the hours whilst holding court to his 'court' of sycophants and jousters.
Because I think he knows, at some level in what passes for his consciousness, that he can't manage without Cummings. I suspect that's partly at least because Cummings will have gone to some trouble to make sure he believes that, because it will have made Cummings feel indispensible...and I strongly suspect that's an important thing for Cummings.

What the fuck is he doing as PM then.
When the papers are released in 30 years time, it will be interesting to find out. :hmm:

Only official papers are subject to the 30-year rule, and that can be extended if they're deemed security-sensitive. I think we can be pretty sure that whatever dodgy dealings have been going on (i.e. in the run-up to the 2016 referendum, last year around prorogation, and so on) have been conducted off the record and outside official channels as far as possible. The release of papers three decades from now will be worth seeing, but I expect it'll be pretty thin gruel.
Only official papers are subject to the 30-year rule, and that can be extended if they're deemed security-sensitive. I think we can be pretty sure that whatever dodgy dealings have been going on (i.e. in the run-up to the 2016 referendum, last year around prorogation, and so on) have been conducted off the record and outside official channels as far as possible. The release of papers three decades from now will be worth seeing, but I expect it'll be pretty thin gruel.

Indeed and a lot of the messages are now auto deleted I understand.
Indeed and a lot of the messages are now auto deleted I understand.

There'll be rules on retention and deletion of papers and emails in the civil service, though what they are I don't know. But if things are being done through personal email and 'burner' phones (and Gove's claim not to understand that term last year was absurd) then the rules don't apply anyway.

e2a - of course, one of the most interesting questions to which I don't think we'll see an answer any time soon is how much business which according to the rules should have gone through official channels and been documented did not and was not.
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Crikey - how the actual fuck did we end up here ?
The Churchill Factor was so full of inaccuracies that it quickly got a response from Richard J. Evans, a professor of history at the University of Cambridge. He listed many of the lies and distortions made throughout the book including, for instance, glossing over Churchill’s support for European unity. However, some of the unintended mistakes are arguably worse. For someone claiming to be a historian and who feels educated enough to write a book on Churchill, he makes some claims which are wildly inaccurate. Notably, he claims that the Germans captured Stalingrad, the city which they famously failed to conquer (losing about 800,000 Axis troops), and which turned the tide of the war against them.
Prof. Evans -- a genuine historian :)
It's well worth reading Evans' 2014 review of Johnson's 'book' in The New Statesman -- Roadkill linked to it earlier up this thread I think.
But I'd never seen these from Johnson, highlighted at the end of this bbench article :
bbench said:
Unfortunately, Boris’ distorted views are not confined to academic issues. His twisted view of the world informs his political career. In 2002, shortly before Blair was due to visit Africa, he wrote an article titled ‘Africa is a mess, but we can’t blame colonialism’. Referring to the Scramble for Africa, when European empires (particularly Britain) conquered most of Africa in the years following 1876 and committed innumerable atrocities against the people living there, he had this to say : “The best fate for Africa would be if the old colonial powers, or their citizens, scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty”. The ignorance in this statement is bewildering.
In his usual style, he dismisses the evidence completely offhand. Between 1690-1807, there was 3 million recorded African slaves transported in British ships alone. Emphasis on ‘recorded’, the real figure is undoubtedly higher. These slaves were branded, beaten, raped, tortured, tied together with dead bodies and sometimes even thrown overboard with their hands and feet bound, so that they would drown, and the slavers could claim their deaths on insurance. This is all before even reaching their destinations. How does Boris tackle this issue in his article? He dismisses, “Are we guilty of slavery? Pshaw”. He even condescendingly refers to Arab slavers, in some meagre attempt to shift the blame for slavery away from Europeans.
David French (The British Way in Counter-Insurgency, 1945-1967) detailed extensive use of torture by the British military. For instance, Jane Mara and three other women held in a detention camp in Kenya. They were beaten and had heated bottles pushed up their vaginas by the boots of British soldiers. This was in the late 1950s, hardly ancient history. Boris’ response when confronted with the atrocities committed by the British is to claim : “The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge any more”
The list of disgusting (also ignorant) things Boris Johnson has said about history that on their own make him unfit to be Prime Minister seems never-ending ..... :hmm:.
The above Africa-related quotes were all new to me, but hardly surprising, and that's even before you get to 'watermelon smiles' :mad:
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