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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I didn't take that as 'thick proles' more as a general disinterest/distrust of politics and politicians.
No offence but I don't think that reading stands up. Distrust is very different from engagement. In addition, the contrast of the UK with elsewhere (which in the context of this paper pretty clearly means Europe) does not really make sense in that interpretation

But even if it is read as a distrust of politicians is that either (1) more pronounced in the UK or (2) the bad thing the author pretty clearly considers it to be?
I didn't take that as 'thick proles' more as a general disinterest/distrust of politics and politicians.
Well, there has been a concerted effort by the local boss class to chip away, attack and undermine politicised elements in the working class over the last 40 years. Then again, similar stuff has happened in other countries.
he got let off, oh what a surprise
Boris Johnson cleared by police watchdog over Arcuri relationship

british corruption in action, running smooth as clockwork

dont worry if you cant read the article, just stare at a white wall instead
he got let off, oh what a surprise
Boris Johnson cleared by police watchdog over Arcuri relationship

british corruption in action, running smooth as clockwork

dont worry if you cant read the article, just stare at a white wall instead

Not illegal but it was morally dubious about covers most of Boris life choices.

The IOPC report said the GLA code of conduct which applied at the time meant that — even if the relationship was intimate — Mr Johnson had no obligation to include Ms Arcuri’s business concerns in his own register of interests. But it added that under the broader “Nolan Principles of Public Life”, it would have been “wise” for the former mayor to have declared this as a conflict of interest. “A failure to do so could have constituted a breach of these broader principles contained within the GLA 2012 code of conduct,” it said. “As this does not amount to a potential criminal offence this is now a matter for the GLA to consider.”

The IOPC has a duty to investigate any alleged criminal offence committed by any official in charge of policing. Mr Johnson has insisted that he had acted with “full propriety” in his dealings with Ms Arcuri. She too has insisted that she received no favours by her friend. The IOPC said it had found no evidence to indicate that Mr Johnson influenced the payment of any sponsorship moneys to Ms Arcuri or that he influenced or played an active part in securing her participation in trade missions. But it added: “There was evidence to suggest that those officers making decisions about sponsorship monies and attendance on trade missions thought that there was a close relationship between Mr Johnson and Ms Arcuri, and this influenced their decision-making. ”

Googling the headline will get you the full story.
Artaxerxes said:
Googling the headline will get you the full story.

Just done this, so .....

he got let off, oh what a surprise
Boris Johnson cleared by police watchdog over Arcuri relationship
dont worry if you cant read the article, just stare at a white wall instead

Just in case not, here it is [to save you Googling!] ...

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a possible ‘intimate relationship’ © Vicki Couchman Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on LinkedIn (opens new window) Jim Pickard in London an hour ago Print this page 27 Boris Johnson will not face a criminal investigation into his relationship with an American entrepreneur who received public money while he was mayor of London, it was announced on Thursday.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) concluded it was unnecessary to launch a criminal investigation into Mr Johnson’s friendship with Jennifer Arcuri even though it found evidence of a possible “intimate relationship”.

The watchdog has spent months examining whether the UK prime minister had a case to answer. Its conclusion had originally been expected in December.

The IOPC said its review took longer than expected because of the lack of records, delays in third parties providing information and the fact that some records that would have been helpful “either never existed or have been deleted”.

The prime minister now faces a separate low-level probe by the London Assembly Oversight Committee, which had suspended its own inquiries while awaiting the police watchdog’s decision.

Mr Johnson was referred to the watchdog in September by the Greater London Authority after the Sunday Times revealed that Ms Arcuri, who enjoyed a close friendship with the then mayor, had received public money.

She was given £11,500 by London & Partners, the promotional agency for the mayoralty. Also Mr Johnson’s office intervened to give her a place on trade missions abroad despite her having initially been turned down.

The GLA said she received the right to travel on three trade missions alongside the mayor — to Singapore and Malaysia, New York and Tel Aviv.

In February last year, Hacker House, one of her companies, won a £100,000 contract with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to train businesses in cyber security.

The IOPC report said the GLA code of conduct which applied at the time meant that — even if the relationship was intimate — Mr Johnson had no obligation to include Ms Arcuri’s business concerns in his own register of interests. But it added that under the broader “Nolan Principles of Public Life”, it would have been “wise” for the former mayor to have declared this as a conflict of interest.

“A failure to do so could have constituted a breach of these broader principles contained within the GLA 2012 code of conduct,” it said. “As this does not amount to a potential criminal offence this is now a matter for the GLA to consider.”

The IOPC has a duty to investigate any alleged criminal offence committed by any official in charge of policing.

Mr Johnson has insisted that he had acted with “full propriety” in his dealings with Ms Arcuri. She too has insisted that she received no favours by her friend.

The IOPC said it had found no evidence to indicate that Mr Johnson influenced the payment of any sponsorship moneys to Ms Arcuri or that he influenced or played an active part in securing her participation in trade missions.

But it added : “There was evidence to suggest that those officers making decisions about sponsorship monies and attendance on trade missions thought that there was a close relationship between Mr Johnson and Ms Arcuri, and this influenced their decision-making. ”

A spokesman for the prime minister said he welcomed the fact that the “politically motivated complaint” had been thrown out. “Such vexatious claims of impropriety in office were untrue and unfounded,” he said. “This was not a policing matter and we consider this was a waste of police time.”

Separately, Len Duvall, chair of the oversight committee at the Greater London Authority, has said that it will continue with its own investigation.
One of the least exonerating exonerations I can remember - "Yes, what he did might not constitute misconduct in a public office"
The Times account of the IOPC report and the GLA's response :
Boris Johnson faces ethics inquiry over ‘intimacy’ with Jennifer Arcuri - Times (paywalled)
David Brown, Lucy Fisher, Fiona Hamilton
Friday May 22 2020, 12.01am,

Boris Johnson may have breached anti-corruption guidelines as mayor of London by failing to declare his relationship with a US businesswoman who joined him on official trade missions, the police watchdog has found.

His relationship with Jennifer Arcuri, 35, influenced officials at the Great London Authority (GLA), which provided almost £24,000 of grants and allowed her to join him on three trips.

Mr Johnson, 55, faces a summons by the GLA to answer questions in public and could be asked to apologise if found to have broken its code of conduct.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said yesterday that there was insufficient evidence for a full criminal investigation into Mr Johnson for misconduct in public office but found he may have breached the ethical standards expected of public officials.

Michael Lockwood, its director-general, said there was no evidence that Mr Johnson influenced the payment of grants or participation in trade missions. He added: “There was evidence to suggest that those officers making decisions about sponsorship monies and attendance on trade missions thought that there was a close relationship between Mr Johnson and Ms Arcuri, and this influenced their decision-making. Our review established there was a close association between Mr Johnson and Ms Arcuri and there may have been an intimate relationship.”

Mr Johnson was mayor from 2008 to 2016. The 112-page report says that the politician, who was married, and Ms Arcuri had become friends in 2012 and allegedly started a sexual relationship by November 2014. A friend of Ms Arcuri identified as Witness A confirmed that the businesswoman “disclosed to the investigation that she and Mr Johnson were in a sexual relationship” but the details are redacted in the report.

Ms Arcuri received £10,000 from the mayor’s promotional agency, London & Partners, in October 2013 to sponsor an economic forum. The next summer the agency gave a further £1,500 to sponsor an event at the House of Commons.

She also received £12,447 to attend a trade mission to South Africa without Mr Johnson in November 2013 and joined him on one to Singapore and Malaysia in November 2014. The IOPC found no evidence that the participation in the these trips had been influenced by their relationship. It found the pair had attended events during a trade mission to New York in February 2015 “after the time when we have evidence suggesting that there may have been an intimate/sexual relationship”. Ms Arcuri had been told she was not eligible to attend and when she arrived the mayor had “rolled his eyes”, an aide told the investigation. The Tel Aviv trade mission took place in November 2015.

Ms Arcuri was asked by investigators if she had had a sexual relationship with Mr Johnson but said that her “private life is irrelevant and personal”. Asked who at the GLA, London & Partners and mayor’s office was aware of their relationship, she said there were “always whispers about me from day one”.

The GLA code of conduct had been amended in 2012 so the mayor was not obliged to declare the business interests of those with whom he was in an “intimate” relationship but not living with. Mr Lockwood said: “Under the broader Nolan principles of public life, our review suggests it would have been wise for Mr Johnson to have declared this as a conflict of interest, and a failure to do so could have constituted a breach of these broader principles contained within the GLA 2012 code of conduct.” The government’s Nolan principles, set out in 1995, are “the ethical standards expected of public office holders”.

The GLA referred the matter to the IOPC last September because of Mr Johnson’s former role as the head of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

A spokesman for No 10 said: “We welcome the fact that this politically motivated complaint has been thrown out. Such vexatious claims of impropriety in office were untrue and unfounded. This was not a policing matter, and we consider this was a waste of police time.”

The prime minister has said he acted with “full propriety” and had no interest to declare in Ms Arcuri. Ms Arcuri has previously denied receiving any favouritism. She has also said that she had wanted him to declare an interest in his dealings with her but he declined as he did not want to put their relationship on record. “He didn’t want to have to deal with all the questions around me,” she told ITV’s Exposure documentary.

Len Duvall, chairman of the GLA’s oversight committee, said that it would resume its investigation, which was put on hold while the IOPC deliberated, into Mr Johnson’s conduct as mayor.

Jennifer Arcuri describes herself on Twitter as an entrepreneur with more brains and drive than two or three British politicians put together.

The American met Boris Johnson in 2012 after joining his campaign to be re-elected mayor of London. She was completing her MBA at the Hult International Business School, having worked as a DJ for Radio Disney, run a sushi bar in California and completed university courses in musical theatre and media production.

After leaving business school she set up Innotech, a technology conference business, whose star speakers included Mr Johnson. The mayor became a regular visitor to Ms Arcuri’s flat in Shoreditch, east London, which served as the HQ for her start-up and also featured a pole used for dancing. In 2016 she met Matthew Hickey, a British computer expert, and they set up Hacker House to train ethical hackers. The company received a £100,000 government grant last year despite the couple having moved to California in 2018.

Since her links to the prime minister emerged, Ms Arcuri has been a regular guest on British television programmes, but coyly refuses to confirm or deny that she had a sexual relationship with Mr Johnson.
Mr Johnson was mayor from 2008 to 2016.
The GLA code of conduct had been amended in 2012 so the mayor was not obliged to declare the business interests of those with whom he was in an “intimate” relationship but not living with.

Well fancy that.
Looks great, that. The plebs get fined for going out, while his advisor sods off to the family estate and he gets a palace garden to run about in. Is the Torygraph actually trying to tip petrol on the fire or something?!
No running involved, I'm guessing. Dry out to save your government, more like. Fucking look at him...he's the fucking PM of the UK.
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