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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I see he’s now saying there was a point where there was a 50/50 decision about whether to put him on a ventilator or not. Who knows the truth of that, but there you go.
There are not far off 2,000 babies born every day in the UK. I'm interested to know how you get time for anything else with all that celebrating?
I've only just finished my first bottle of champers for the day and another little fuckers popped out. Every day's a party now I celebrate the wonders of childbirth. If I hear of twins I have to huff 2 balloons
This is what he looks like when he is forced to do a little bit of work. God damn, that man is ugly. I can't believe women actually sleep with this animal.

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Looks like the PPE bought from Turkey doesn't meet the required standards so can't be used in the NHS.

Bet Boris is wishing he hadn't pulled us out of European supply arrangements now...
Probably to give the effect of him locking himself away and struggling over the decisions of his announcements on Sunday.

Or he couldn't be arsed.

(I suppose as a fellow new father I should give him the benefit of the doubt and say he does deserve to spend time with his son. But he's a Tory, so he's a lazy cunt.)
Anyone wonder if he will serve the full term? I know he lasted two terms as Mayor, but in a higher profile role I wonder if either he, his party, or everyone else will realise that he's just abit shite. Wishful thinking I'm sure..

It's difficult to say. He already had a litany of errors behind him, before he was Mayor and even more before he became PM. For whatever reason, within our electoral system enough people in the right areas vote for his party, and it's difficult to know what else he could do to turn enough of those people against him. Those many in the Tories who hate him recognise that he's electoral dynamite, and loved by the majority of the national press, so through gritted teeth they won't stab him in the back.
Boris' update - Lot of hot air, waffle and bullshit with very little actual information to say how things are to progress to ease the lockdown and return to "normal". The indicator diagram looked as if it had been knicked off the smart meter ad.
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