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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

She’s 100% correct. The British public - the boomers at least - are mostly thick, racist fucking wankers who’d believe that their arses were their elbows if the Murdoch/Rothermere thugs told them so.

Just for the record - the full quote

And forget the idea that the public can judge what is true. We showed 1,700 people six stories and asked them to judge which were true and which false.
Only 4% of people got all the answers right. And why should they? They are not in a position to research the truth of stories. That’s what journalists are there for.
This was no secret was it? I'm sure those reports last week that she'd given him a shiner for cheating on her mentioned her being preggers :confused:
i hadn't realised what a state johnson's teeth were in before
"demokratie ist der feind des volkes" translates as "democracy is the enemy of the people" - i can't find a context for that
At a guess, a reference tothe infamous Daily Mail headline, which labelled judges as "enemies of the People', which in turn was reminiscent of headlines which used to appear in Der Volkischer Beobachter
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