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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Johnson the great patriot, not even going to visit people in their hour of need

yes, I know, but still

At the moment, he's not doing anything, is he? Not going to the floods; not commenting on this racist advisor. He's also just lost his Chancellor.

Perhaps, he's having an emotional crisis like the one he seemed to be having before the election was called, remember that picture of him slumped in the park being comforted by Kunsberg. I also wonder how happy the rest of his Cabinet are with him. Grant Shapps will seem very weak if Sabinsky stays on after his comments on Sunday.

It will be interesting to see what sort of condition he's in at PMQs
At the moment, he's not doing anything, is he? Not going to the floods; not commenting on this racist advisor. He's also just lost his Chancellor.

He's always been well known for being workshy. Remains to be seen whether this is actually a bad thing, as anything he actually does is only likely to make matters worse.

I'm always impressed by the professionalism, competence and work ethic shown by people who do the actual work on the ground dealing with things like floods. Knowing how disruptive Boris Johnson media junkets have been in hospitals etc, I'm more than happy for him to stay the fuck out of the way now.
Maybe not surprising when Channel 4’s boss came out with this beauty.

She’s 100% correct. The British public - the boomers at least - are mostly thick, racist fucking wankers who’d believe that their arses were their elbows if the Murdoch/Rothermere thugs told them so.
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I suppose our exalted PM has discovered he needs to sell off some more of the silver to either pay for brexit or give more tax rebates to his already very rich cronies.
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