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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

not a great expert in german, but "wollt ihr den totalen brexit" translates as "do you want total brexit?"

the context of the quote is possibly more relevant than the words - "wollt ihr den totalen krieg" (do you want total war?) was part of a speech made by joseph goebbels in 1943

"demokratie ist der feind des volkes" translates as "democracy is the enemy of the people" - i can't find a context for that
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I wonder if joe public still think De Pfeffel’s a cuddly fop? I mean ‘Boris’ is a creation for the media. Apparently his family and friends call him by his first name ‘Alex’.
'Alex' is literal translation of 'Adolf' though

I know it’s not the done thing to toss around ‘your a fucking nazi/fascist’ but it’s a road to these types of politics. And i feel the car’s on the road and accelerating towards these things. The US has camps for ‘the other’ (desperate migrants fleeing from the results of US proxy wars in Central America) already. I work with people (other nurses ) from El Salvador and Guatemala. I’ve heard tales of heading north, settling in Compton, racism, being shot at (in LA) for being from these places. It’s depressing hearing first hand stuff from people you like and respect who’ve had your back in tough situations.
It's the same as with trump. We're at the same level of degredation that the US was at with the election of trump. An open racist advocating racist things while claiming not to be racist. And being elected.

I'm not surprised other countries are drawing fascist parallels. Why not?

Trump. Bolsonaro. Johnson. That's the UK govt level now
It's the same as with trump. We're at the same level of degredation that the US was at with the election of trump. An open racist advocating racist things while claiming not to be racist. And being elected.

I'm not surprised other countries are drawing fascist parallels. Why not?

Trump. Bolsonaro. Johnson. That's the UK govt level now
It's definitely on the rise isn't it? And it's definitely being coordinated internationally. These things don't happen by accident. History repeating itself.
Not being a German speaker I am not exactly sure what is being said in this cartoon. (Translations welcome from thoses that are) but this from German media does seem to imply that Johnson is following in Nazi footsteps (or have I read it wrong?)


Not sure it's in great taste for the Germans to be making these kind of jokes tbh.

And I use 'joke' in the broadest possible sense.
It's the same as with trump. We're at the same level of degredation that the US was at with the election of trump. An open racist advocating racist things while claiming not to be racist. And being elected.

I'm not surprised other countries are drawing fascist parallels. Why not?

Trump. Bolsonaro. Johnson. That's the UK govt level now
The same level of degradation. Right. So Corbyn won the popular vote?
Not sure it's in great taste for the Germans to be making these kind of jokes tbh.

And I use 'joke' in the broadest possible sense.

My limited understanding is that the Germans do feel a sense of collective shame, if that's the right word, for their early 20th century history. Them using its imagery in a cartoon is a powerful statement.
A flavour of what's to come from The Peoples Prime Minister:

"Sajid Javid, UK chancellor, is set to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos this month, in spite of an apparent ban by Boris Johnson on ministers attending the “champagne” event with the global elite. Mr Johnson’s allies had said before Christmas that ministers would not attend the event in the Swiss Alps, arguing that it was at odds with the priorities of the prime minister as leader of a “people’s government”. One senior Tory figure said: “Our focus is on delivering for the people, not champagne with billionaires.”


They're really going to try and play that card. Expect a lot of symbolic spending announcements too. The hypocrisy is going to be unbearable.
BBC on Johnson this morning:

"He said social care solutions involve moral and social issues, including whether taxpayers should be paying for people who might be able to afford their own care. Interestingly, he pledged that people will not have to sell their home to pay for their care."

Ignore the last bit which will be broken. Just placing the idea of means testing into the public sphere. Framed as a moral or social issue, not financial. Hardly noted by commentators. Time to bleed the middle classes now there's a good working class vote behind them. Well, the ones not rich enough to hide assets.
Just seen this, yet another back track, a very very serious one, goodness knows how the poor and vunerable are going to fare next number of years.

having said that its crazy many people including activists don't seem to be aware disabled and sick people have been paying huge amounts towards their social care back to councils for many years, my friend, a pensioner pay over 140 pounds a week back to social services.
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Just seen this, yet another back track, a very very serious one, goodness knows how the poor and vunerable are going to fare next number of years.

having said that its crazy many people including activists don't seem to be aware disabled and sick people have been paying huge amounts towards their social care back to councils for many years, my friend, a pensioner pay over 140 pounds a week back to social services.

It's because all the focus is on the NHS. Private sector has been blessing us dry, abusing the staff, and getting rich off the backs of all of us for 20 plus years. Fuckers.

People don't see it. There are activists working against it, but we've largely been abandoned by most people that would be able to make it a bigger issue nationally.
I quite like Dan Walker, his Olympic coverage from Rio was quite entertaining, don't follow football so can't tell if he's good at presenting that, but in terms of the first Prime Minister interview since the election.... Accountability 0. Soft Pedal 1
Yeah but this is the BBC who are expected to chew the food before vomiting it into the mouth of some fuckwit from the state.
A nice defeat for the twat

Peers have inflicted a first defeat on Boris Johnson by voting for EU citizens to be given physical proof of their right to stay in the UK after Brexit, to prevent “another Windrush”.

The House of Lords rejected ministers’ pleas that the move would amount to “ID card creep” – insisting it was necessary to guard against discrimination by employers, landlords and the state.

The vote – likely to be followed by further defeats over child refugees and lower courts ripping up EU laws – sets the scene for a showdown when the withdrawal agreement bill returns to the Commons.

The estimated 3.6m EU residents in the UK fear victimisation without physical documents after Brexit, including by immigration officials as happened in the Windrush scandal.
It means Conservative MPs will almost certainly be whipped to overturn the Lords defeat next week, as the Bill is rushed through for Brexit Day on 31 January.

Angela Smith, the Labour leader, urged the prime minister to listen to the argument, saying: “I hope the prime minister and his colleagues will not think that they can get every detail of every bill right first time, and recognise that the second chamber is useful.

“A large Commons majority means the government is guaranteed to get its legislation through but it would be supremely arrogant to dismiss all scrutiny.”
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