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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Well Boris's Churchill moment has arrived.
Unfortunately don't think he's up to the job.
Unlike 1940 and the Luftwaffe corvus 19 isn't stumbling into a very well prepared trap.
Feels like there’s a massive vacuum where some actual leadership should be. If we’re going with an approach that’s totally contradictory to the one everyone else seems to be using he could at least step forward and tell the country why and on what evidence he’s making this call - rather than leaking shit to Peston via the backdoor and sending out the junior ministers to float a load of measures that might be introduced.
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He is a complete twat.

Feels like there’s a massive vacuum where some actual leadership should be.
I've been thinking about this in relation to recent events, and how the notion of 'leadership' seems to have mutated and/or vanished at the upper reaches of our institutions.

I'm not scholarly enough to know if it was really ever there, but more than ever it feels like we have people who know how to get to the top, but don't know how to lead.
His idea to make non medical engineering companies help manufacture ventilators is batshit. Medical devices are built under strict quality control directives and would require a lot of knowledge transfer and access to proprietary IP, not to mention the considerable retooling, layouts and even rebuilding to bring factories up to clean standards. These aren't interchangeable M10 nuts and bolts that can be manufactured by anyone.
I believe that under his 'Premiership' there has been a loss of service personnel on active service...and, as for 'famine'...have you had a look in the shops recently?
I think that to call the later “famine” is insulting to those who who have lived through genuine famine. And the loss of some active service personnel is hardly “war”. This is a stretch at best.
to be fair, I thought there is always war and famine going on somewhere in the world , or is the end of days only applicable to the uk ?
Well in that case, so is pestilence and death. The four horsemen are always amongst us, and making it specifically relevant to Johnson is pointless.
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