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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Positive noises about bringing in the opposition as far as possible. That means Keir Starmer giving Government Press Conferences in Downing Street.
Starmer's a former DPP, desperate to become an Establishment mover and shaker again. He'll take the bait.
while it is possible he may end up a dpm in a national government i think he'd rightly and wisely defer to boris johnson to front the coronavirus campaign, which - i suspect he'd argue - has been weakened by a parade of ministers delivering press conferences whereas the most senior minister should give them to show the government is taking the pandemic extremely seriously -> bj to the lectern and later the tumbril
And in today's episode of BJ for BJ :

hes out of bed and loaded for bear it seems

nice bit of churchillian dervived bollocks in his statemnt as well - he cannot even come up with his own lines FFS
I’m surprised he didn’t quote more Churchillian bollocks by saying this wasn’t his Waterloo, it was his Blenheim.’
My great-grandfather was at Gallipoli - the troop ship he was on was torpedoed, then he was rescued and told to go fight. Got his first injury there.

I don't think he was a fan of the Tories, and would be less than impressed with Boris.
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