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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Those poor unfortunate notoriously pro-Tory experienced journalists, lied to by TWO people, what else could they have done but tweeted the lie out immediately without any source or checking?
Maybe they should name the tory sources & out the liars. There is a petition on change.org to sack kuenssberg over this. Her unchecked quotes from senior tories might actually cause her a problem this time.
Name the Tory politician/official who told the journalists it was a punch.
Get it out there...or maybe Kuenssberg and Peston decided to put it out as a punch themselves.
If it is believed to be a punch after all this, what a pity the bloke didn't break the Tory jaw if the story becomes 'fact'.
Got to wonder how many times they've reported 'unchecked' stuff in the past and haven't been caught out because there's no video. This would have been blanket news for the evening news tonight and the papers tomorrow if there hadn't have been a film. Or even if there had been a film and it was a little less clear what had happened - they'd have had fucking frame by frame analysis 'proving' he'd given him a slap.
Four of the most senior political journalists in the country repeated a lie from the Tories without 'checking' it was real. If one of them had slipped up and a poor phrasing of a tweet or whatever made it look more definitive than it actually was, you could maybe allow it - but four of them - within seconds of each other - shows that checking isn't part of the process, it isn't what they do. Their role is to megaphone tory press releases.

And then here in the Graun story, they entirely miss half of the story - not just that the tories briefed something, but that their briefing was repeated verbatim with no caveats by the lobby. Kuensberg is even made to look like the person who nailed them on the lie. Incredible really.

Tories forced into climbdown over claim aide was hit by Labour protester
The punch is one bit of this, the other bit of the story getting lost, also a lie, is that the labour party paid for cabs to rush people over there to do this.


On a different note , just reading this story about Boris Johnsons novel from 2004

Prime Minister Boris Johnson Used The N-Word In A 2004 Comic Novel

A comic novel by Boris Johnson, Seventy-Two Virgins: A Comedy of Errors, has been widely derided by critics for its racist caricatures and sexist depictions of women.

But one striking element has never been directly addressed, or maybe even noticed, since its release — the author’s repeated use of the n-word in reference to a black character.

The comic novel was published in 2004, when Johnson was the Tory MP for Henley, shadow minister for the arts, and editor of the conservative Spectator magazine.

The plot centres around a clumsy bicycle-riding Tory MP and recounts a fictional terrorist attack by “Islamofascists” in London.

The many racist caricatures and sexist descriptions in Seventy-Two Virgins have already generated headlines. Among other issues, he refers to Jewish oligarchs controlling the media, mentions “hook nosed” Arabs, refers to a “half-caste” person, and even describes a woman as “a mega-titted six-footer”.

But the use of the n-word at the beginning of Johnson’s novel appears to have gone unnoticed.

Early in the novel — page 11, chapter 2 — Johnson’s third-person narrator introduces the reader to an African-born parking inspector named William Eric Kinloch Onyeama and describes his thoughts:

“The parkie considered. Many traffic wardens are traumatized by the verbals, as they are called, COON, NIGGER, MONKEY, APE.

“Those were some of the names Eric had been called, shorn of their participial expletives.”

This is the first of two uses when a woman pleads with the parking attendant not to give her a ticket:

“IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF POWER? WHY DON’T YOU GET A BETTER JOB? These were some of the questions he was asked.

“Faced with such disgusting behaviour, some traffic wardens respond with a merciless taciturnity. The louder the rant of the traffic offenders, the more acute are the wardens’ feelings of pleasure that they, the stakeless, the outcasts, the niggers, are a valued part of the empire of law, and in a position to chastise the arrogance and selfishness of the indigenous people.”

No surprises really , more surprised that editors at harper collins let this be published. The running on of "niggers" with "empire" is clearly his idea of poetry. What a cunt. Othering parking wardens against "the indigenous people" adds some context to yesterdays "[EU citizens] have treated the UK like ‘their own’ country for too long". remark
Sounds like there's plenty more offensive crap in that book too.

I know theres so much dirt on him out there already and little seems to stick , but surely this one has a chance?
Those poor unfortunate notoriously pro-Tory experienced journalists, lied to by TWO people, what else could they have done but tweeted the lie out immediately without any source or checking?

There is always more they could do. Like in Lauras case, reuse the word punch later.

In response, the Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, was sent to the hospital in Leeds to meet the family, find out what had happened and try to smooth things over.

But he faced trouble too, as a small but very noisy group of protesters shouted at him and his team as they left the building.

The story, and the prime minister's weird and wooden response to it, provided the perfect chance for Labour to punch at one of the Conservatives' vulnerabilities, just when they were trying to make a big play for voters who have traditionally stuck with the Labour Party for generations.

Johnson's bad day shows election not over
The punch is one bit of this, the other bit of the story getting lost, also a lie, is that the labour party paid for cabs to rush people over there to do this.


On a different note , just reading this story about Boris Johnsons novel from 2004

Prime Minister Boris Johnson Used The N-Word In A 2004 Comic Novel

A comic novel by Boris Johnson, Seventy-Two Virgins: A Comedy of Errors, has been widely derided by critics for its racist caricatures and sexist depictions of women.

But one striking element has never been directly addressed, or maybe even noticed, since its release — the author’s repeated use of the n-word in reference to a black character.

The comic novel was published in 2004, when Johnson was the Tory MP for Henley, shadow minister for the arts, and editor of the conservative Spectator magazine.

The plot centres around a clumsy bicycle-riding Tory MP and recounts a fictional terrorist attack by “Islamofascists” in London.

The many racist caricatures and sexist descriptions in Seventy-Two Virgins have already generated headlines. Among other issues, he refers to Jewish oligarchs controlling the media, mentions “hook nosed” Arabs, refers to a “half-caste” person, and even describes a woman as “a mega-titted six-footer”.

But the use of the n-word at the beginning of Johnson’s novel appears to have gone unnoticed.

Early in the novel — page 11, chapter 2 — Johnson’s third-person narrator introduces the reader to an African-born parking inspector named William Eric Kinloch Onyeama and describes his thoughts:

“The parkie considered. Many traffic wardens are traumatized by the verbals, as they are called, COON, NIGGER, MONKEY, APE.

“Those were some of the names Eric had been called, shorn of their participial expletives.”

This is the first of two uses when a woman pleads with the parking attendant not to give her a ticket:

“IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF POWER? WHY DON’T YOU GET A BETTER JOB? These were some of the questions he was asked.

“Faced with such disgusting behaviour, some traffic wardens respond with a merciless taciturnity. The louder the rant of the traffic offenders, the more acute are the wardens’ feelings of pleasure that they, the stakeless, the outcasts, the niggers, are a valued part of the empire of law, and in a position to chastise the arrogance and selfishness of the indigenous people.”

No surprises really , more surprised that editors at harper collins let this be published. The running on of "niggers" with "empire" is clearly his idea of poetry. What a cunt. Othering parking wardens against "the indigenous people" adds some context to yesterdays "[EU citizens] have treated the UK like ‘their own’ country for too long". remark
Sounds like there's plenty more offensive crap in that book too.

I know theres so much dirt on him out there already and little seems to stick , but surely this one has a chance?
Don't know why something from 2004 would stick better than something from 2017 or 2018.
Emperors have new clothes, world kings have new pockets, bulging with (not very well) hidden realities and skeletons.
Reports that the Tory bot posts rubbishing the hospital photo very quickly found their way onto local news/chat Facebook pages for marginal seat towns and spread very quickly. Strange that.
There is a book to be written on the disinformation and targeted propaganda elements of this election.
Reports that the Tory bot posts rubbishing the hospital photo very quickly found their way onto local news/chat Facebook pages for marginal seat towns and spread very quickly. Strange that.
There is a book to be written on the disinformation and targeted propaganda elements of this election.

Elsewhere much talk of pro-Labour content being removed outright or 'capped' by facebook so it can only reach a limited number of people. So several things that Labour supporters might think were game-changing moments could well have passed unnoticed outside their own SM bubble.

As for the notion that all these shenanigans (reports of which are as tainted with the stink of potential fake news as everything else) will somehow be exposed and put a stop to, it's the government doing it. There are no grown-ups who are going to step in and make everyone play fair.
He looks rough. Eyes like two pissholes in the snow.

Is that what a winner looks like?

I believe Ministry sung about this.

Just like a car crash
Just like a knife
My favorite weapon
Is the look in your eyes
You've run out of lies

You've run out of lies
You've run out of lies
You've run out of lies
You've run out of lies
You've run out of lies
You've run out of lies
There's a ton locked in your empty eyes
Get out of my life

Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes, yes
Oh, you have empty eyes
They tell me nothing, nothing but lies, yes
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