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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The 40% who say they don't think he's racist are the 40% who like him because he's racist.

Let's face it, he can say what the hell he likes about Nigerians without losing a single vote. Yes, he's a racist twat, but far too many other people are as well, especially against a group that gets bad press but no fucker really knows anything about.
He doesn't have to defend his position, albeit an old one, because he knows no fucker that's going to vote for him gives a toss.
Sad, but true.
Johnson give a cast iron garantie that the NHS is not up for sale with the US

I believe him without reservation. I also belive Donald Trump is a lovely inclusive sort of chap you could trust with your wallet and wife.
Maybe he thinks certain people will make a moral judgement on him, some of them openly, and some whilst claiming they "aren't judgemental about such things, and oppose the demonisation of single parent families" and so on.
Dug this out because it has such an uncanny echo in whats been unearthed today, from the long ago scribblings of our pm ..

He lamented the "appalling proliferation of single mothers" those "uppity and irresponsible" women getting pregnant out of wedlock & called their children 'ill-raised, ignorant aggressive and illegitimate".
It isn't the silly women's fault tho problem lies with the "feebleness of the modern Briton, his reluctance or inability to take control of his woman and be head of a household.”
This country seems to have a soft spot for these absurd men who style themselves as throwbacks to a simpler age.

HuffPost is now part of Verizon Media
Dug this out because it has such an uncanny echo in whats been unearthed today, from the long ago scribblings of our pm ..

He lamented the "appalling proliferation of single mothers" those "uppity and irresponsible" women getting pregnant out of wedlock & called their children 'ill-raised, ignorant aggressive and illegitimate".
It isn't the silly women's fault tho problem lies with the "feebleness of the modern Briton, his reluctance or inability to take control of his woman and be head of a household.”
This country seems to have a soft spot for these absurd men who style themselves as throwbacks to a simpler age.

HuffPost is now part of Verizon Media

Oh what a surprise.
Let's face it, he can say what the hell he likes about Nigerians without losing a single vote. Yes, he's a racist twat, but far too many other people are as well, especially against a group that gets bad press but no fucker really knows anything about.
He doesn't have to defend his position, albeit an old one, because he knows no fucker that's going to vote for him gives a toss.
Sad, but true.
Nigerians resident in the UK as commonwealth citizens have a vote in the coming electoral farce
Just watched the inteview - I think Marr did as well as he could... Johnson just oozes that public school 'ESOS' (Effortless sense of superiority) which makes the content of what he's saying almost irrelevant. It's a weird form of charismatic power that attracts people, but does so much harm.

It'd be interesting to see him up against Neil again, but I fancy he would fair better than Corbyn... albeit talkling complete shite.
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