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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I wasn't talking about the pic narrowly, making a general point. But it's good to know that these days you think about what you're going to say about someone who just works in a warehouse etc.
Have you an example to hand of someone who is depraved in their personal life but upright and incorruptible as a politician? And maybe an example of someone corrupt and amoral in public life who is wholly devoted to their spouse and children, a family person, in their personal life

I see them all the time on the BBC, struting around, telling 99% of us what we may do.

In some cultures it expected for politcian to have different lifestyles and attitudes to personal or public life.

Still would not rate the bunch running things just at the moment.
I see them all the time on the BBC, struting around, telling 99% of us what we may do.

In some cultures it expected for politcian to have different lifestyles and attitudes to personal or public life.

Still would not rate the bunch running things just at the moment.
Tbh wouldn't put the people running things in charge of a stall handing out free stuff, they'd cock up the takings
Heres a poster that is a useful reminder of all the stupid rascist, homophobic, misogynistic and plain bonkers things Boris has said in recent years.

Blog – Jazamin

2016 [8th March]
“What’s the point of being a Conservative if you can’t turn the clock back to 1904.” ~ Boris Johnson. Guardian

Sorry I don't seem to be able to link to the actual image of the poster - buts its easier to read in the blog anyway.
It'd be Javid or somebody wouldn't it. Still, if there is to be a tory majority then this would be the best of the worse outcome, they're all cunts and seeing Johnson politically ruined for a bit would be fun
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