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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Thing is about the AS stuff is no matter how true, or not, the more it’s brought up , the more it seems like the boy who cried wolf

I especially think Rachel Riley and the chief rabbi stuff is going to do more harm than good to the cause
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Leader’s debate on the environment on C4 tomorrow, Johnson noteably absent despite an invitation - running scared. Also has yet to agree a date for an interview with Andrew Neil, everyone else is doing it. Didn’t May do similar last time round, try and hide from scrutiny?
Please YES. It would be lovely to see the tories get an ineffective fart in charge. Their incumbent fart is far too clever at selling himself and hiding what a twat he is.
Everyone knows what a twat he is, he's really shit at hiding it with things like his racist comments in newspaper columns and that.

You think you know what you're on about but with each post you show how bereft of a clue you are
Leader’s debate on the environment on C4 tomorrow, Johnson noteably absent despite an invitation - running scared. Also has yet to agree a date for an interview with Andrew Neil, everyone else is doing it. Didn’t May do similar last time round, try and hide from scrutiny?

May did turn up for Brillo though.
Johnson give a cast iron garantie that the NHS is not up for sale with the US

sounds about as realistics as his vow to fall down in front of the bulldozer in Sipson, build houses as london mayor and that slogan from the battle bus during the brexit lead up
Johnson give a cast iron garantie that the NHS is not up for sale with the US

sounds about as realistics as his vow to fall down in front of the bulldozer in Sipson, build houses as london mayor and that slogan from the battle bus during the brexit lead up
Hmm. Like ‘Call me Dave’ Cameron’s cast iron pledge of ‘no top down reorganization of the NHS on my watch’. Followed by the Health and Social Care Act (2012). The biggest top down reorganization in its history.
Here’s Mikey Portillo rubbing our faces in the lie.
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