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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

TBH I'm surprised he hasn't proposed building some sport of £2 billion bridge or island to solve the flooding issue. :snarl:

Maybe those water cannon can be put to use after all.....
Fishlake is next door to Stainforth, Dave Douglas’ stomping ground.
They don’t like posh outsiders looking for an electioneering opportunity.

If I’d known he was coming I would have booked a day off.

Also The Clash were against everything he represents.
Stayed there a few times with my mate's family...really happy memories of the social club(bingo & turns) and the 2p bus ride into Donny. Yeah, they didn't like my 'posh' Southern accent..at first.
Seriously, my 'initiation' with mate's (miner) Dad included asking me if:
a) I had a yacht
& b) if I'd ever drunk beer...because it's all gin palaces at the like down there...
Of course, all was well after a few pints:thumbs:
Great community in the village, I have relatives and friends there, it’s only two miles from me. Same spirit as Goldthorpe.
My mate is head of security at the dog stadium.
So how would you pillocks get rid of Johnson?
I know it's not worth engaging with this pratt, but this post is actually part of the wider problem their politics represents.

An absence of everything bar some pathetic, sloppy anti-Toryism, anti-Trumpism, anti-Johnsonism. So anything that meets that level, nevermind how reactionary it is, is ok so long as it is against the Tories/Trump/Johnson/Brexit. Crap from economists - fine, crap from free marketeers - fine, from the CIA, World Bank. IMF - fine, the LDs - fine, from Ken Clarke or Micheal Heseltine - fine.
I know it's not worth engaging with this pratt, but this post is actually part of the wider problem their politics represents.

An absence of everything bar some pathetic, sloppy anti-Toryism, anti-Trumpism, anti-Johnsonism. So anything that meets that level, nevermind how reactionary it is, is ok so long as it is against the Tories/Trump/Johnson/Brexit. Crap from economists - fine, crap from free marketeers - fine, from the CIA, World Bank. IMF - fine, the LDs - fine, from Ken Clarke or Micheal Heseltine - fine.
their politics
who they?
Well specifically there I meant Don Troomp, was using gender neutral form as wasn't 100% sure if they are male. But I think this sort of stupid anti-toryism goes further. It's the type of crap that leads to this shite
I see; just wasn't sure who you were referring to...might be my (post 'spoons) reading/comprehension deficiency, though!
Just seen his latest thing doing the rounds on the net. The Clash are his favourite band, apparently. I'd love to know which muppet thought it was a good idea to get him to say that.
One thing Cameron said on Desert Island Disks was he loved Eton Rifles. I have always thought that was the biggest ‘FUCK YOU OIKS!!!’ He ever said out loud. The song’s about a bunch of working class kids on a demo getting beaten up my the Eton Rifles.
‘All that rugby puts hairs on your chest
What chance have you got against a tie and a crest?’
Nice Dave. He turned the intention of the song on its head.
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