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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat


Just because you'd gas the working class if it meant you could stay in the EU that doesn't mean the electorate will agree with you.

Staying in the EU is by far the best for the UK, Europe, and the future, but Johnson has the upper hand, and that probably means it's lost to us.
People were lied to so voted with those lies in their ears, and it's very probably too late to stop the disaster now.
Staying in the EU is by far the best for the UK, Europe, and the future, but Johnson has the upper hand, and that probably means it's lost to us.
People were lied to so voted with those lies in their ears, and it's very probably too late to stop the disaster now.
People were lied to by politicians you say? Well that's a new development, this is a first in British politics and definitely not something principled remainers would ever do. Can't imagine the lib dems being dishonest for example.

In that case we definitely need an unlikeable charisma vacuum with more of the same politics like starmer in charge. And you're probably right about gassing the working class too.
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Staying in the EU is by far the best for the UK, Europe, and the future, but Johnson has the upper hand, and that probably means it's lost to us.
People were lied to so voted with those lies in their ears, and it's very probably too late to stop the disaster now.
To paraphrase Brendan Behan, i cannot conceive of a situation so dismal the arrival of Don Troooomp would not make it worse
Staying in the EU is by far the best for the UK, Europe, and the future, but Johnson has the upper hand, and that probably means it's lost to us.
People were lied to so voted with those lies in their ears, and it's very probably too late to stop the disaster now.

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