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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Doesn't matter what it was, it matters what it looked like.

Foot was supposed to be hammering Thatcher, but he had the same chance then that Corbyn has now, mostly because he hasb't got a clue, and he shows it.
To ditch Johnson, we have to ditch Corbyn first.DruRPC4XgAIFj5L.jpg
You haven't presented any arguments at all, and you'be taken a hundred posts not to do it. You think Corbyn's no good. Cheers, insightful.
Mandate (keep repeating). Get the mandate or your just arguing about angels on the head of a pin.
ETA: Get elected.
Mandate (keep repeating). Get the mandate or your just arguing about angels on the head of a pin.
ETA: Get elected.
How is dumping the leader for any of the completely unimpressive centrists at this point going to help with that? You're stuck with magic grandad, spend the time banging on about the clearly better policies, which are popular, rather than him. Get your knives out again later if you must.
Ah, run out of arguments so insult family. What a twat
He didn't insult your family. Mistake implies culpability but no malice. He's objecting to your existence not theirs. If anything they've probably more to be sorry about than we have.

And you haven't presented any arguments. Several posters across several threads have taken time out to ask you what you think the Labour Party should do other than just sack Corbyn and the best you can come up with is that we should ask some clever people. All while chucking up photos of coffee table books you've probably read less of than some of us have the original Chinese and posting with a lack of self awareness and misplaced pride in your own intellect not seen since Trump himself.

Please just fuck off.
How is dumping the leader for any of the completely unimpressive centrists at this point going to help with that? You're stuck with magic grandad, spend the time banging on about the clearly better policies, which are popular, rather than him. Get your knives out again later if you must.
No worries. Let's see how many can.
As I suggested, your gob is moving, but is not being guided by a brain.
Your support for Corbyn is all but a vote for the tory party, and Johnson must be laughing like fuck at you and everyone like you because he's knows Corbyn is nothing more than a crap joke.
This will come up after the election, something that's likely to be nothing short of a fucking disaster for the UK, then you'll finally realise something drastic has to happen to dump Boris and his bastards as soon as possible (or maybe you won't). History will record, as it did with the Thatcher years, how Labour went to infighting and idiocy when they should have been united, got a decent leader instead of a soft twat in a bad coat (Yes, that useless fucker, Foot), and spent a few years fucking about like a bunch of fucking idiots instead of fighting the evil twat in Downing street.
Talk about not learning from history.

To out Johnson, something new has to happen, and it can't include Corbyn.
Perhaps you could indicate where I have supported Corbyn
As I suggested, your gob is moving, but is not being guided by a brain.
Your support for Corbyn is all but a vote for the tory party, and Johnson must be laughing like fuck at you and everyone like you because he's knows Corbyn is nothing more than a crap joke.
This will come up after the election, something that's likely to be nothing short of a fucking disaster for the UK, then you'll finally realise something drastic has to happen to dump Boris and his bastards as soon as possible (or maybe you won't). History will record, as it did with the Thatcher years, how Labour went to infighting and idiocy when they should have been united, got a decent leader instead of a soft twat in a bad coat (Yes, that useless fucker, Foot), and spent a few years fucking about like a bunch of fucking idiots instead of fighting the evil twat in Downing street.
Talk about not learning from history.

To out Johnson, something new has to happen, and it can't include Corbyn.
So why did you post a picture of a book you have not read?
Who was it that was generating this fabled mandate, again? Brown? E Miliband? Who both polled worse that Corbyn in their actual elections. Or D Miliband, maybe, who couldn’t even beat E Miliband? Yeah, he’d have done it alright.

You see, if there’s one thing Corbyn has actually been good at, it’s electioneering. He came from nowhere to beat Yvette Cooper and the other two grey suits who I can’t even now remember in his own party. If Cooper couldn’t even beat Corbyn in a vote she started miles ahead in and had ALL the media support on, how is she going to beat the Tories when she has none of those advantages? Ditto the other two useless fuckers he beat at the time.

The other great hope the centrists believed in for years was Chukka. And yeah, look how great his winning instincts have turned out to be.

so now you’re saying Starmer. Who’s just another Miliband/Cooper/Chukka — so great at dirty political fighting, he’s made no inroads whatsoever into Corbyn’s control.

No, if you want a scrapper who makes the most of his resources, Corbyn is the BEST the Labour Party has for that. The reason he’s up against it in the election has been well documented — it’s definitely not because he’s useless at playing the game of politics. It’s because he faces a base hopelessly divided by Brexit and he faces a media determined to lie about him and present him in the worst light possible. The latter of those at least tends to dissipate, though, when they are forced to show him out on the campaign trail.
So why did you post a picture of a book you have not read?

So what's your plan to get rid of Johnson - Fart around and stick to doing nothing?
No changes means tories for years, and you have to realise that rather than sit on your fat arse, spouting stupid, unpopular ideals, and pushing a tired old agenda that's always failed before, and will fail again.

Of course, you could always ignore all the polls, then claim the election was fixed

Election polls: latest UK general election 2019 polling tracked

Look at those fucking numbers - The tories are going to waltz into number 10 with a fat majority and fuck the whole country over. Looks like it's too late to do anything about this time because the blind idiocy so many are guilty of has very probably allowed a tory win, brexit (probably under a crap deal), and years of a powerful set of tory cunts destroying the whole social system. What the fuck is going to happen to the NHS, social security, parks, the fire service, and god knows what else?
Thank fucking you.
So what's your plan to get rid of Johnson - Fart around and stick to doing nothing?
No changes means tories for years, and you have to realise that rather than sit on your fat arse, spouting stupid, unpopular ideals, and pushing a tired old agenda that's always failed before, and will fail again.

Of course, you could always ignore all the polls, then claim the election was fixed

Election polls: latest UK general election 2019 polling tracked

Look at those fucking numbers - The tories are going to waltz into number 10 with a fat majority and fuck the whole country over. Looks like it's too late to do anything about this time because the blind idiocy so many are guilty of has very probably allowed a tory win, brexit (probably under a crap deal), and years of a powerful set of tory cunts destroying the whole social system. What the fuck is going to happen to the NHS, social security, parks, the fire service, and god knows what else?
Thank fucking you.
And Keir Starmer could change all that! :D
So what's your plan to get rid of Johnson - Fart around and stick to doing nothing?
No changes means tories for years, and you have to realise that rather than sit on your fat arse, spouting stupid, unpopular ideals, and pushing a tired old agenda that's always failed before, and will fail again.

Of course, you could always ignore all the polls, then claim the election was fixed

Election polls: latest UK general election 2019 polling tracked

Look at those fucking numbers - The tories are going to waltz into number 10 with a fat majority and fuck the whole country over. Looks like it's too late to do anything about this time because the blind idiocy so many are guilty of has very probably allowed a tory win, brexit (probably under a crap deal), and years of a powerful set of tory cunts destroying the whole social system. What the fuck is going to happen to the NHS, social security, parks, the fire service, and god knows what else?
Thank fucking you.
Why did you post a picture of a book you haven't read?
So what's your plan to get rid of Johnson - Fart around and stick to doing nothing?
No changes means tories for years, and you have to realise that rather than sit on your fat arse, spouting stupid, unpopular ideals, and pushing a tired old agenda that's always failed before, and will fail again.

Of course, you could always ignore all the polls, then claim the election was fixed

Election polls: latest UK general election 2019 polling tracked

Look at those fucking numbers - The tories are going to waltz into number 10 with a fat majority and fuck the whole country over. Looks like it's too late to do anything about this time because the blind idiocy so many are guilty of has very probably allowed a tory win, brexit (probably under a crap deal), and years of a powerful set of tory cunts destroying the whole social system. What the fuck is going to happen to the NHS, social security, parks, the fire service, and god knows what else?
Thank fucking you.

Why do you hate the dictatorship of the proletariat so much?
So what's your plan to get rid of Johnson - Fart around and stick to doing nothing?
No changes means tories for years, and you have to realise that rather than sit on your fat arse, spouting stupid, unpopular ideals, and pushing a tired old agenda that's always failed before, and will fail again.

Of course, you could always ignore all the polls, then claim the election was fixed

Election polls: latest UK general election 2019 polling tracked

Look at those fucking numbers - The tories are going to waltz into number 10 with a fat majority and fuck the whole country over. Looks like it's too late to do anything about this time because the blind idiocy so many are guilty of has very probably allowed a tory win, brexit (probably under a crap deal), and years of a powerful set of tory cunts destroying the whole social system. What the fuck is going to happen to the NHS, social security, parks, the fire service, and god knows what else?
Thank fucking you.
Oh and I asked you to point to where I'd supported Corbyn. Let's see you back up your claim because from where I'm sitting you look like a big fat liar
Rayner lets rip as Corbyn dies on his lips | Angela Rayner | The Guardian

Take someone else's opinion.

Johnson must be absolutely pissing himself because way too many in the Labour party, Corbyn supporters, are helping him so much.

To get rid of Johnson, Corbyn must be dumped first, even the more left wing papers are very clear about.
Face it, I'm right and you're wrong.
so you can't point to anywhere where I've supported Corbyn. Some sort of apology would seem in order then.
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