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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

What tough choices are you referring to - Labour ditching Corbyn?

Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

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You are Donald Trump.
Ah, The Art of War. Yes, that’s exactly the thing you’d read, misunderstand and misapply. The book beloved of scared pseudointellectual right-wingers who can’t understand more in-depth analyses of the actual things they want to misapply this book to. Why don’t you try a bit of Ayn Rand next — that seems right up your alley?
Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

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Lol you fucking sad act
In my stupid half awake daze this morning I was wondering if someone could get the ball rolling at start a huge online campaign specifically to target Johnson's seat and get Ali Milani elected in Uxbridge.
Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

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*Your notes* lol.

Ian Austin must give you nightmares.

In my stupid half awake daze this morning I was wondering if someone could get the ball rolling at start a huge online campaign specifically to target Johnson's seat and get Ali Milani elected in Uxbridge.

I have to admit I know little of that guy so I looked at his social media and had a search around to see what people are commenting.
The day mail is having a rare pop at him so that probably means he's in with a chance, but his videos are nothing short of smart.
I'd be well happy if he took Johnson's seat and, in time, took Johnson's job as PM.
The bloke has serious potential. :oldthumbsup:
Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

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Have to admit if one side will lie and cheat and the other side won't, the lie/cheaty side will probably win.
Fury as decision on police inquiry into PM shelved until after election
I’ve now imagined a political cartoon of JC driving a combine, chasing wealthy capitalist Rees-Mogg types down through a field, with money pouring out of the combine chute into a trailer marked ‘NHS, Housing’. Might suggest to Jim’ll Paint It...
Would have worked better during May's tenure :(
Once again, I'm not seeing actual concrete policy suggestions from Mr. Trooomp on what Labour and Corbyn are doing wrong, other than the totally meaningless "hard decisions need to be made".

Sun Zi was a strategist, and as I hope you appreciate, strategists have to have actual goals in mind. Believe it or not, "winning" alone isn't a concrete goal - it simply opens up the field for policies to be enacted.

Again, I ask, what policies do you think Labour need to win and implement?

I await an answer, though not with any optimism.
It's interesting how those that disagree accuse me of not making concrete suggestion as to how to get rid of Johnson, but I have been very open about my opinion, the biggest being dump the albatross around Labour's neck, Corbyn.
The party also has to get together and stop daft resolutions at conference that provide ammunition for the Tories (see the news).
Face it, regardless of your political opinions, the tories seriously hammered Labour on that one, and Labour had nothing to fire back except the bit about conference votes may or may not be converted to policy. It sounded dithering, showed lack of unity, and messy indecission, everything you don't need in a government.
Yes, I know the tories are little better, but Johnson did what it took and came out looking strong, a bonus for him.
It hardly matters how wrong he is, and he's very wrong, he's getting his message out there, but we are not.

The pro-Corbyn posters here have said nothing about how they would fight Johnson, not a fucking word, but they accuse me of their failure.

The details of how to get rid of Johnson need careful working out by experienced, politically savvy, and very knowledgable people, but the fucking obvious has to be sorted out as quickly as possible.
As I've already said, not ditching Corbyn when Johnson waltzed into number 10 was a massive mistake, one that has very probably cost us our EU membership, so now it's a case of fighting the PM and getting rid of the tories at the next election, but Corbyn has to be kicked out to do it.

Johnson is very clearly a monster twat, but he's a clever one that's bloody good at publicity, so We need someone to take the bastard on properly.
It's interesting how those that disagree accuse me of not making concrete suggestion as to how to get rid of Johnson, but I have been very open about my opinion, the biggest being dump the albatross around Labour's neck, Corbyn.
The party also has to get together and stop daft resolutions at conference that provide ammunition for the Tories (see the news).
Face it, regardless of your political opinions, the tories seriously hammered Labour on that one, and Labour had nothing to fire back except the bit about conference votes may or may not be converted to policy. It sounded dithering, showed lack of unity, and messy indecission, everything you don't need in a government.
Yes, I know the tories are little better, but Johnson did what it took and came out looking strong, a bonus for him.
It hardly matters how wrong he is, and he's very wrong, he's getting his message out there, but we are not.

The pro-Corbyn posters here have said nothing about how they would fight Johnson, not a fucking word, but they accuse me of their failure.

The details of how to get rid of Johnson need careful working out by experienced, politically savvy, and very knowledgable people, but the fucking obvious has to be sorted out as quickly as possible.
As I've already said, not ditching Corbyn when Johnson waltzed into number 10 was a massive mistake, one that has very probably cost us our EU membership, so now it's a case of fighting the PM and getting rid of the tories at the next election, but Corbyn has to be kicked out to do it.

Johnson is very clearly a monster twat, but he's a clever one that's bloody good at publicity, so We need someone to take the bastard on properly.

So your concrete proposal is ask some clever people what to do lol.
It's interesting how those that disagree accuse me of not making concrete suggestion as to how to get rid of Johnson, but I have been very open about my opinion, the biggest being dump the albatross around Labour's neck, Corbyn.
The party also has to get together and stop daft resolutions at conference that provide ammunition for the Tories (see the news).
Face it, regardless of your political opinions, the tories seriously hammered Labour on that one, and Labour had nothing to fire back except the bit about conference votes may or may not be converted to policy. It sounded dithering, showed lack of unity, and messy indecission, everything you don't need in a government.
Yes, I know the tories are little better, but Johnson did what it took and came out looking strong, a bonus for him.
It hardly matters how wrong he is, and he's very wrong, he's getting his message out there, but we are not.

The pro-Corbyn posters here have said nothing about how they would fight Johnson, not a fucking word, but they accuse me of their failure.

The details of how to get rid of Johnson need careful working out by experienced, politically savvy, and very knowledgable people, but the fucking obvious has to be sorted out as quickly as possible.
As I've already said, not ditching Corbyn when Johnson waltzed into number 10 was a massive mistake, one that has very probably cost us our EU membership, so now it's a case of fighting the PM and getting rid of the tories at the next election, but Corbyn has to be kicked out to do it.

Johnson is very clearly a monster twat, but he's a clever one that's bloody good at publicity, so We need someone to take the bastard on properly.

Utter bilge. They got you good and proper. Donkey jackets, bodies in streets. Look at his eyes.
Along with a bunch of other things, if you want rid of the great haircut and the mess he will bring, yes.
Corbyn is a sheep attacking a wolf and, we can already see from the polls, he's no fucking use. You have to realise this is a new type of fight, not even like Thatcher's reign of shit (or maybe rain of shit), something new that needs a new way of fighting it.

If you want Johnson out, and I do, a lot of things are going to have to happen, but closing your eyes, sticking your fingers in your ears, and shouting, "La la la la lar" isn't going to work. There's still a month to go and the chance of a big upset, but it's probably a lost battle for the upcoming parliament so say hello to a few years of thatcher like bollocks, maybe even worse.
After the election, if all goes as badly as it looks like it will, Labour have two choices: Take the hard decissions or in fight like kids until the tories finally run out of steam because people see what a set of bastards they are.
Who fancies another two Conservative parliaments, or maybe three if things in Labour don't get sorted out?

The upshot is, you have to work out what Johnson is doing, how he's doing it, what's helping him do it, then decide what the fuck must happen to get rid of him.
Sun Tzu had that worked out a good number of years ago, but it's being ignored with the greatest enemy since Thatcher, and he could easily turn out worse. I'm reviewing his stuff at the moment, and it clearly lays out the way Johnson can be smashed (As you can see from my notes), but only if things change.

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Surprised you've included a picture of a book you haven't read
Surprised you've included a picture of a book you haven't read

As I suggested, your gob is moving, but is not being guided by a brain.
Your support for Corbyn is all but a vote for the tory party, and Johnson must be laughing like fuck at you and everyone like you because he's knows Corbyn is nothing more than a crap joke.
This will come up after the election, something that's likely to be nothing short of a fucking disaster for the UK, then you'll finally realise something drastic has to happen to dump Boris and his bastards as soon as possible (or maybe you won't). History will record, as it did with the Thatcher years, how Labour went to infighting and idiocy when they should have been united, got a decent leader instead of a soft twat in a bad coat (Yes, that useless fucker, Foot), and spent a few years fucking about like a bunch of fucking idiots instead of fighting the evil twat in Downing street.
Talk about not learning from history.

To out Johnson, something new has to happen, and it can't include Corbyn.
As I suggested, your gob is moving, but is not being guided by a brain.
Your support for Corbyn is all but a vote for the tory party, and Johnson must be laughing like fuck at you and everyone like you because he's knows Corbyn is nothing more than a crap joke.
This will come up after the election, something that's likely to be nothing short of a fucking disaster for the UK, then you'll finally realise something drastic has to happen to dump Boris and his bastards as soon as possible (or maybe you won't). History will record, as it did with the Thatcher years, how Labour went to infighting and idiocy when they should have been united, got a decent leader instead of a soft twat in a bad coat (Yes, that useless fucker, Foot), and spent a few years fucking about like a bunch of fucking idiots instead of fighting the evil twat in Downing street.
Talk about not learning from history.

To out Johnson, something new has to happen, and it can't include Corbyn.
I agree with you. The central party caucus can bleat about this and that to keep ideological purity but at the end of the day, in a first past the post system, it’s who wins. Then you get the mandate and power. And you have to compromise your principles sometimes.
The reason i feel strongly about this is if it wasn’t for New Labour I wouldn’t have a career. In 2003 i was coming of the back of 5 years of unemployment, mental health and addiction issues but i managed to get a place on a nursing cohort at a university. The biggest cohort my university had ever seen. Because New Labour put a shit load of money into the NHS. Yes, the Iraq war was unconscionable. Wouldn’t debate that. But life is complicated. After the Tories got back in under Cameron the places dried up (I’ve trained enough preceptor students to know that). So I’m more into outcomes than ideologies.
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That's true. Myth. But the right wing media played it like it was. Perceptions, you see.

Whist true, it doesn't matter because the publicity made him look stupid. If you think winning an election is all about policies, you're making a massive mistake.
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