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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

No. Was definitely you. You're either above it all or you're not. You can't sling abuse around and then pretend you've grown out of it a few weeks later.

You've been serving up beef for months, or years at this stage. Even when you got no replies and were ignored, you still couldn't stop. I have not named you, not here, not in a PM and have no interest in your anger issues. Project and gaslight all you like!
Even when you got no replies and were ignored, you still couldn't stop. I have not named you, not here, not in a PM
You have never ignored me and were repeatedly abusive, this is easily checkable and I have a couple of PMs with you using my name in (which I had told you so not complaining). Might want to go to the docs about your memory issues.
You have never ignored me and were repeatedly abusive, this is easily checkable and I have a couple of PMs with you using my name in (which I had told you so not complaining). Might want to go to the docs about your memory issues.

Jesus screaming Christ. I ignored you plenty times. I don't remember the PMs and top marks, the old memory isn't spot on but I am aware that you can't let go of this and like a typical bully will continue until you get some kind of satisfaction.

Just make sure you get your facts right when you accuse someone of doing something, in future.

Apologies to the rest of the contributors for the derail and more fool me for not keeping you on ignore.
Over 10 years of Thatcher, and Britain is doomed to the same under Johnson with the way things are going.
It's time to wake up and do something about him, and that means tough choices starting with not having a useless Ebbw Vale flavoured wet fart trying to fight him. This battle needs someone with character and power to lead it, not a sloppy ditherer without a clue.
I think we all agree Johnson should be dumped, but it needs clarity of vision, unity, and realism to do it.
Sadly, a lot looks lost at the moment, and it's only going to get worse if Johnson stays. The pariamemt it looks like he's going to get will be pretty shit, but he'll be there for another unless some common sense gets used.
Vacuous drivel alert. Everything is in a state of flux. Neither you nor I can be certain of anything for sure.

Yes, turn a blind eye away from all the polls just in case they're all wrong, have been so since Johnson took power - That'll get rid of the twat.
Oh, hang on, perhaps the cunt is laughing all the way to a large majority because he knows wolf Johnson is being attacked by a gang of rabbits blinded by the myxomatosis of extremely unpopular idealism, all fighting each other to be the blindest.
Wake the fuck up and let's stop him getting a second term because all we can hope for this time is a smaller majority than it looks like he's going to get.

This will all come up, major upset apart, after the election.
If only Owen Smith was at the helm, they’d be romping home, right? Or that other one, Angela something. Charisma in spades.
Nobody is as blind as someone that doesn't want to see.
The big problem is the left of the party are blind to everything as long as they get as radical set of policies as they can into the manifesto.
They fail to realise it's them letting Johnson in.
I want to see a nicely run welfare state that looks after people when they're in need, an NHS that's truly free of charge, and a government that cares about working people, but that's not going to happen if we give that tory twat a free ride back into number 10.

Johnson has to be hammered, but the party's left are hitting themselves and everyone else on the fucking head instead of getting on with the job.
Haven't you got a far right propaganda video to share and endorse or something?
Yes, turn a blind eye away from all the polls just in case they're all wrong, have been so since Johnson took power - That'll get rid of the twat.
Oh, hang on, perhaps the cunt is laughing all the way to a large majority because he knows wolf Johnson is being attacked by a gang of rabbits blinded by the myxomatosis of extremely unpopular idealism, all fighting each other to be the blindest.
Wake the fuck up and let's stop him getting a second term because all we can hope for this time is a smaller majority than it looks like he's going to get.

This will all come up, major upset apart, after the election.
you know he hasn't had a first term yet, right?
Do we even use the word 'term' about Prime Ministers? If we do then Churchill is the only one that springs to mind as having had more than one (Gladstone? Disraeli? They were pm more than once weren't they?)

ETA: Yes we do apparently
You're either thick, a troll, or a thick troll.
what was that you were saying about there being none so blind as those that cannot see?

let me give you an analogy. lyndon baines johnson became president on the assassination of jfk. he was elected president in 1964. if the period 22/11/1963 to c.19/11/1964 was his first term he would not have been allowed to stand in 1968: the period 1964 to 1968 would have been his second term.
Much as I'm dreading the election with the polls as they are, the likely result should be a massive shakeup in the Labour party, one that sees a new leader able to take Johnson on and beat him. Hopefully the vast majority in the party will see what's needed and get on with it.
I left the party but I fully intend to rejoin so I can have a say and be part of something that leads to a new leader capable of smashing Johnson at the dispatch box, and stopping him getting a second term.
Johnson must be got rid of because he's too bloody dangerous to leave, just as Thatcher was, but the mistakes of 1980 are being repeated.
Much as I'm dreading the election with the polls as they are, the likely result should be a massive shakeup in the Labour party, one that sees a new leader able to take Johnson on and beat him. Hopefully the vast majority in the party will see what's needed and get on with it.
I left the party but I fully intend to rejoin so I can have a say and be part of something that leads to a new leader capable of smashing Johnson at the dispatch box, and stopping him getting a second term.
Johnson must be got rid of because he's too bloody dangerous to leave, just as Thatcher was, but the mistakes of 1980 are being repeated.
it must have been a gala day when you departed the labour party and it is cruel beyond words to them for you to indicate you wish to rejoin.
Much as I'm dreading the election with the polls as they are, the likely result should be a massive shakeup in the Labour party, one that sees a new leader able to take Johnson on and beat him. Hopefully the vast majority in the party will see what's needed and get on with it.
I left the party but I fully intend to rejoin so I can have a say and be part of something that leads to a new leader capable of smashing Johnson at the dispatch box, and stopping him getting a second term.
Johnson must be got rid of because he's too bloody dangerous to leave, just as Thatcher was, but the mistakes of 1980 are being repeated.
Yet strangely labour did far worse under its last two 'sensible centrist' leaders than under corbyn (who oversaw an increase in vote share and absolute numbers). A point you have consistently failed to address.

Corbyn has a lot of faults and I'm no supporter but his politics have never been rejected by the electorate as comprehensively as yours.

You thick fuck.
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