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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I just did explain. You're a blathering fuck wit, it's all that needs to be said.

See - You have no fucking clue so stick to insults rather than explanations - It's your way of trying to sound tough.
In the real world, that's the one without pointless wankers like you pretending to be hard, the tories lost their numbers when May fucked everything up, that causing a surge for Labour and the Brexit party. Once May went, the tories went up, mostly at the Brexit party's cost, but also Labour's. May leaving was a massive bonus for them, but Johnson's hard man approach was seen as meaning he's a tough leader.
Yes, I know he's just a gob and not a lot more, but he's proving his worth to the tories by delivering poll numbers.
Its a bloody great pity so many in the Labour party are far too fucking stupid to see it, accept it as fact, then fight back better and harder. Not doing so means some members of the Labour party are fucking up the UK's membership of the EU and condemning Britain to five years of tory shit under an utter cunt.
Johnson is the worst thing to happen to Britain since Thatcher, but nobody in opposition seems to take him seriously so they're creating an epic fuck up that's going to cost in a big way.
Cameron was a wanker that everyone was sick off, but May hadn't proved she was as stupid at that point, just as Johnson hasn't been busted yet. However, when the majority realise and are in a position to vote the bastard out, it's going to be way too late to save Britain from leaving the Eu and there will be five years of Tory shit behind him.
Fuck knows what the twat will do to the NHS, but we can be sure it'll be bad.
may had proven repeatedly she was thick as pigshit before she became prime minister.
Whereas you're a fucking genius.

You're the thickest poster on urban by quite some distance. Please fuck off.
It's funny given his main interest on these boards how he has a Trump like immunity to criticism. Honestly, I've been pointing out what a thick cunt he is for years and he's never shown the slightest hint of self awareness. Might be better for your blood pressure just putting him on ignore.
See - You have no fucking clue so stick to insults rather than explanations - It's your way of trying to sound tough.
i must have imagined
Perhaps you can explain how the tories poll numbers shot up when May left and Johnson got in.
When you answer, look at the Brexit party's numbers, and Labour's. The libdems and others don't matter because they're as shit as your brains and are likely to get a number of seats greater than your IQ.
You're making several mistakes:
  • You're wrong on the point. Journalists are out for an easy story, but Johnson makes it very easy for them, thus he gets HIS story out. The polls show I'm right.
  • You're assuming you're more valuable to the world than a pair of pus weeping green pissflaps are to a cheap whore's business model (Oscar Wilde)
  • You're assuming I give a toss what you think
See - You have no fucking clue so stick to insults rather than explanations - It's your way of trying to sound tough.
In the real world, that's the one without pointless wankers like you pretending to be hard, the tories lost their numbers when May fucked everything up, that causing a surge for Labour and the Brexit party. Once May went, the tories went up, mostly at the Brexit party's cost, but also Labour's. May leaving was a massive bonus for them, but Johnson's hard man approach was seen as meaning he's a tough leader.
Yes, I know he's just a gob and not a lot more, but he's proving his worth to the tories by delivering poll numbers.
Its a bloody great pity so many in the Labour party are far too fucking stupid to see it, accept it as fact, then fight back better and harder. Not doing so means some members of the Labour party are fucking up the UK's membership of the EU and condemning Britain to five years of tory shit under an utter cunt.
Johnson is the worst thing to happen to Britain since Thatcher, but nobody in opposition seems to take him seriously so they're creating an epic fuck up that's going to cost in a big way.
You don't seriously expect me to read all that shite do you?
What would 'taking him seriously' look like to you?
Don't agree with him? I remember well when you two were the dynamic duo snapping at all on the trump thread, smearing left right and centre. Resulting in the utter disgusting mess that it now is.

Yeah, so disgusting cos you don't get to dominate it anymore. How awful for you, not being in charge of a political thread :D
Yeah, so disgusting cos you don't get to dominate it anymore. How awful for you, not being in charge of a political thread :D
I've never had any interest in that thread - I've very rarely posted on it, never mind sought to dominate it as it was clear it was going to be just be utter shit from the second you and CRI tag teamed to chase off others via racist smears, then you joined up with this waste of space that you pretend not to agree with. 100 posts vs 600.
I've never had any interest in that thread - I've very rarely posted on it, never mind sought to dominate it as it was clear it was going to be just be utter shit from the second you and CRI tag teamed to chase off others via racist smears, then you joined up with this waste of space that you pretend not to agree with. 100 posts vs 600.

More lies and misinformation.

What I like most about it, on reflection, is that it's a relatively safe space from the hardmen who like to belittle other posters for reasons only they know. Anyway, if (as you claim) you genuinely have no interest in it, why start yet more beef here? Put those threads and posters which you have no control over on ignore.
Oh that reminds me, i think it was you maomao who asked me on the most recent awesome wells banned returners thread if he had caused much grief for me off the boards and i replied that he had tried to at least. Well, today i got a message that he is now harassing someone else in bristol with the same name as me thinking it's me, asking me to do something to make him stop.
You don't seriously expect me to read all that shite do you?

Nobody is as blind as someone that doesn't want to see.
The big problem is the left of the party are blind to everything as long as they get as radical set of policies as they can into the manifesto.
They fail to realise it's them letting Johnson in.
I want to see a nicely run welfare state that looks after people when they're in need, an NHS that's truly free of charge, and a government that cares about working people, but that's not going to happen if we give that tory twat a free ride back into number 10.

Johnson has to be hammered, but the party's left are hitting themselves and everyone else on the fucking head instead of getting on with the job.
I don't know your real name, think you're mixing up the beef somewhat
Mixed up. It was in a PM. Was just sifting through dozens of abusive posts from you to me after I was particularly rude after you harassing me repeatedly for a yes/no answer to a complex question I'd already answered. Zero self awareness.
Oh that reminds me, i think it was you maomao who asked me on the most recent awesome wells banned returners thread if he had caused much grief for me off the boards and i replied that he had tried to at least. Well, today i got a message that he is now harassing someone else in bristol with the same name as me thinking it's me, asking me to do something to make him stop.
Liked for support not for the arse's actions
Mixed up. It was in a PM. Was just sifting through dozens of abusive posts from you to me after I was particularly rude after you harassing me repeatedly for a yes/no answer to a complex question I'd already answered. Zero self awareness.

Projecting, much? Let go of the beef, it's not good for you. It makes you confused and prone to making up stuff.
Nobody is as blind as someone that doesn't want to see.
The big problem is the left of the party are blind to everything as long as they get as radical set of policies as they can into the manifesto.
They fail to realise it's them letting Johnson in.
I want to see a nicely run welfare state that looks after people when they're in need, an NHS that's truly free of charge, and a government that cares about working people, but that's not going to happen if we give that tory twat a free ride back into number 10.

Johnson has to be hammered, but the party's left are hitting themselves and everyone else on the fucking head instead of getting on with the job.
So much of it is to the right of 'red' Jim Callaghan
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