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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

He's remarkably bad under any sort of pressure at all isn't he. All he's got is obvious made up on the sport bullshit and bluster. The question is though whether this will be exposed in a way that actually gets some purchase with the electorate. The leader's debates maybe? I don't know...
Given recent polls, either a huge number of the electorate don't follow any of this at all ever, in which case it's hard to see it changing much, or a huge number of the electorate know he's a billy bullshitter but intend to vote for him anyway. Not sure which is the more depressing thought.
I guess there is little to no chance of anything from Russia or Jenifer Acuri being looked at before the election. Interested to know about this Farage/Brexit Party peerage thing though? Not sure if this is a Brexit Party, Johnson or GE thread thing but it is illegal isn't it?
Nigel Farage threatened to report the Conservatives to the police, after accusing Downing Street of offering Brexit Party candidates jobs and peerages to withdraw from the general election
From the Telegraph ^
Given recent polls, either a huge number of the electorate don't follow any of this at all ever, in which case it's hard to see it changing much, or a huge number of the electorate know he's a billy bullshitter but intend to vote for him anyway. Not sure which is the more depressing thought.
Or they really like him
My opinion of him went up when he refused to speak about his children.... would be nice to have a politician with a more conventional family life do the same.
Choosing not to use your children as tools in your political campaigning is one thing, but this is something rather different

PM refuses to say how many children he has
Earlier, the PM told BBC's 5 Live that the assertion his children have never been to state school "was wrong" but declined to say how many children he has.
How so? Why do you want to know many children he has?

There is a point to be made here about how successive tory governments have lectured us on the importance of family values, the importance of marriage and the evil of single parents with the relentless targeting of single mothers a particular ongoing theme. The same party is now going into an election with a leader who is the very antithesis of family values, a man who has done so much to ruin not only his own marriage but so many others. A man who has done far more to create single parent families than most*.

The tories have presented him as their leader and expect us to vote for him and are completely unbothered about the massive honking hypocrisy of it all.

* Not that I think single parent families are a bad thing, of course they're not.
I find myself in the relative unusual position of agreeing 100% with lbj here, the question is why is he so determined to keep it a secret?
Maybe he thinks certain people will make a moral judgement on him, some of them openly, and some whilst claiming they "aren't judgemental about such things, and oppose the demonisation of single parent families" and so on.
Maybe he thinks certain people will make a moral judgement on him, some of them openly, and some whilst claiming they "aren't judgemental about such things, and oppose the demonisation of single parent families" and so on.
Maybe you're just a mug who is effectively supporting Johnson in his dishonesty and hypocrisy while claiming to be asking challenging questions and so on.
Maybe he thinks certain people will make a moral judgement on him, some of them openly, and some whilst claiming they "aren't judgemental about such things, and oppose the demonisation of single parent families" and so on.
Maybe it would be better if people could add children to their child benefit claims? What business is that of other people or the government?

Maybe if he did not pretend to be engaged with 'the people' instead of covering things up?

Maybe if he did not lie all the time? Or have deaths and greed on his hands? Maybe if his government did not drag the sick or desperate into the dwp offices and make them live in fear?

Maybe and mainly if he did not judge and penalise others whilst sitting smug and hiding behind the law?

Maybe he is a cunt?
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