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Photo ID now a requirement to vote in the UK

tbf that poster argues various seemingly progressive things they obviously haven't understood, so it's easy occasionally to find some aspect of their ideology accidentally appealing. Just be careful I guess because on a whim as we can see, they're likely to suddenly go no I didn't mean that I meant this, and about-turn.
That's StakerOne 's argument though, that people will coerce others within their household to vote a certain way. No data, mind, just the assertion.
The fact that data can't be collected for such an issue, proves how wide open the system is for abuse.

I do hope you'd never be allowed to work for any investigating authority.

I can imagine it now.

"Look, Mrs Jones, you are just asserting that your husband threatened you with a beating if you didn't vote Conservative, where's the proof?"
The best way to normalise it and restore democracy (Labour will argue by 2028) is a compulsory national ID scheme so everyone has the ID they need to vote. Also to travel to Europe no doubt because of some future treaty tbc
I would have supported digital IDs in a different time when they weren't so dangerous.

They are fucking dangerous and that's exactly why the most evil and hated "human" on the planet is promoting them.
One of the most troubling aspects of PV in the UK is the tendency for the established, larger parties to 'granny-farm' with mass PV visits to care settings. The motivation is obvious with older voters more likely to vote anyway and PV bumping up the 'turn-out' considerably. I'm persuaded that there's a place for PV for the old, infirm, immobile etc. but letting the parties organise its use has always looked well dodge to me.
The Green Party were investigated over something similar years ago, but it was voting by proxy and they targeted students (i think the vote was over a holiday period when they'd all be away from campus or something)

This “man of the house dictates who gets voted for” argument has all the subtlety of the Labour Party Rishi sunak lets paedos off campaign poster. Perhaps Staker did that one too

Note also that he claims evidence of this happening would be impossible to gather, and also that the only solution is to get rid of postal voting.

Pretty sus if you ask me.
Here is my photo from my ID certificate.

Glad you’re not smiling in that picture otherwise it would be inadmissible :thumbs:
This “man of the house dictates who gets voted for” argument has all the subtlety of the Labour Party Rishi sunak lets paedos off campaign poster. Perhaps Staker did that one too
Postal votes are shite.

Wide open to voter cohersion.

Wider than the mouth of the Thames.
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This is dangerous, made up nonsense.

Who are these "many people"? Have you spoken to all of the voters?

I tell you what is dangerous.

Giving EVERYONE the option to vote by post on one fucking form that gets sent to every household for just one person in the household to fill in.

I haven't spoken to the spouses of all voters.

I seriously doubt that tony Blair is the most hated human on the planet right now. Even Princess Meghan would beat him to that title no problem.
Is no thread safe from this blockchain nonsense? And is this not the fella who said all the weird offensive stuff about that poor baby that died?
Don’t think that’s the same one, this one was very angry about his mum coercing him to have a Covid jab though I think.
Don’t think that’s the same one, this one was very angry about his mum coercing him to have a Covid jab though I think.
I can't prove it but was very similar tone and aggression coupled with loony CT stuff. Also all happened while this one was on a month ban.
I'm not sure why this poster thinks that a controlling coercive relationship can't extend into the voting booth. It may be nominally secret but in a coercive relationship the victim will quite probably do as they're told even if they do get 5 seconds in a booth 3 feet away from their controller to do whatever they please.
I'm not sure why this poster thinks that a controlling coercive relationship can't extend into the voting booth. It may be nominally secret but in a coercive relationship the victim will quite probably do as they're told even if they do get 5 seconds in a booth 3 feet away from their controller to do whatever they please.

But the controller still hasn't a fucking clue who their victim voted fir


He fucking registers the victim for a postal vote.......
See my previous response to this point from the last time you made it.

I have never enforced school uniform rules because it goes against the actual purpose of my job, namely providing a safe and productive learning environment for my students. Similarly, any election official whose actual job is ensuring the smooth running of a democratic process but who chooses to turn people away from that process for a spurious reason is going against the basic purpose of their job. Make excuses for that if you like but they're not going to be good enough for me.
Giving individual polling clerks agency over which rules they follow based on which they think are spurious is not a route we want to go down.
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