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People getting racially abused because of the referendum result

Thanks. I got lots of PMs from people who are enjoying this. I have spare time at the moment so will carry on later or tomorrow if I don't have time tonight. To be fair to people that want this thread to stay on topic I might start one just for them.

Don't let the apologists grind you down.
If you quote someone they get an alert the same as tagging them. As you know from all the alerts you have from me. There would have been no petty argument if you engaged brain. One of us is stupid, brighteyes, but it isn't me.

TBF you can turn that setting off. Might be off by default.

Anyway, Anju total misreading of BA's earlier post re offering support to Pollish groups et al, who've suffered racist attacks.
3 arrested


Make a fucking example of them please. Prison time.

Aye, and learn some fucking grammar. "Upmost" :facepalm:
I would doubt that, tbh. btw how do you exaggerate a racist attack/insult?

A bit of shouting and pointing becomes 'violently attacked' (not referring specifically to the case I noted to be clear), stuff like that. Things can be played up if they support a political position (the position being 'leave voters are bad - just look what they've done'). I'm in the remain camp, but there's been plenty of end-of-the-world hysteria from fellow remainers on my facebook to make my eyes roll.

There is plenty of clear-cut racist shit going on at the moment and I'm not attempting to deny this or deny a connection to the referendum and the political arguments framed around it, but it's worth retaining a bit of scepticism for all the stuff people are coming out with, that's all. Not every broken window will be a racist attack.

eta: I'm conflicted about whether these reports should be talked up and shared as much as they are - on one hand it's good to call it out and highlight that it's not acceptable and people should be defended from it, on the other hand the fear generated won't be good for anyone who sees themselves as a potential victim of this shit, and spreading this sort of fear is what the far right wants - we're kind of doing their job.
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How cares where people are from so long as they're good, caring, kind-hearted people who contribute?

We should have time for and support those who aren't so good, or don't 'contribute' too. Talking about people 'contributing' is the kind of phrase the tories use all the time, this stuff about immigrants 'paying their way' will extend to the native population too if we don't stand up for poorer migrants (already has really with all this 'scrounger' crap). Don't let them divide us.
As bearla, mais e do thoile.

Bodach, tha an debate air urban sgoinneil, tha an smears agad cach.

Shit gaidhlig, may or may not translate to what looks like an Irish Gaelic speaker

A bit of shouting and pointing becomes 'violently attacked' (not referring specifically to the case I noted to be clear), stuff like that. Things can be played up if they support a political position (the position being 'leave voters are bad - just look what they've done'). I'm in the remain camp, but there's been plenty of end-of-the-world hysteria from fellow remainers on my facebook to make my eyes roll.

There is plenty of clear-cut racist shit going on at the moment and I'm not attempting to deny this or deny a connection to the referendum and the political arguments framed around it, but it's worth retaining a bit of scepticism for all the stuff people are coming out with, that's all. Not every broken window will be a racist attack.

eta: I'm conflicted about whether these reports should be talked up and shared as much as they are - on one hand it's good to call it out and highlight that it's not acceptable and people should be defended from it, on the other hand the fear generated won't be good for anyone who sees themselves as a potential victim of this shit, and spreading this sort of fear is what the far right wants - we're kind of doing their job.

Thing is unless you know, it's kind of out of order to suggest otherwise. I see what you are getting at but I probably wouldn't go there.
We should have time for and support those who aren't so good, or don't 'contribute' too. Talking about people 'contributing' is the kind of phrase the tories use all the time, this stuff about immigrants 'paying their way' will extend to the native population too if we don't stand up for poorer migrants (already has really with all this 'scrounger' crap). Don't let them divide us.

True. However there are many ways of contributing than just paying their way for instance we get to learn about other people's culture, they help towards the economy when they buy stuff etc. Sorry if my post sounded Tory-like n I agree with what you're saying.

eta: I'm conflicted about whether these reports should be talked up and shared as much as they are - on one hand it's good to call it out and highlight that it's not acceptable and people should be defended from it, on the other hand the fear generated won't be good for anyone who sees themselves as a potential victim of this shit, and spreading this sort of fear is what the far right wants - we're kind of doing their job.

I think the fear was there before these incidents got shared, and I think the incidents do need sharing as most are just the kind of thing that dont get reported to the police and dissapear into a safe silence, especially for those who will never be directly effected by them

Good things to come out of Brexit so far is its seems to have shown up a lot of people for who they are, and shown them to the country, across the spectrum, from Labour politicians, to closet racists, to those living in a privilege bubble....its been a real mirror to society. More of this not less.

Also the way things are going politically in Europe and the US recently, the move is away from cosy consensus and fighting for the middle ground to a more divided politics. Even without Exit that wouldve kept growing in the UK. Some people are going to have to wake up a bit to the reality of what that means in practice. This particular genie is out of the box and I dont think its going back any time soon. The whole country needs to get up to speed on it. Ive spoken to a few people today and last night who were completely oblivious to anything reported on this thread - they hadn't heard a thing.
I can see how some incidents might get ascribed to the referendum emboldening some twats when they are just 'everyday racism', but there are a lot of cases where the twats are directly referring to the vote.

I can see why people want to distance themselves from this shit, but I'm finding on things like Facebook that those getting indignant about being associated with racists don't need much scratching for some nasty things to come out.
One million people voted BNP in the last but one Euros. 4mn voted UKIP last election (no doubt inc the 1mn BNP) and how many on the Tory right are just gagging for shit like this. What are we looking at? 1.5-4.5mn people potentially? Adults, voting age adults in the racist pool.
Both the leave campaign and the remain campaign (Tom fat cunt from Labour) preferred to use immigrants as vote-bait rather than distance themselves from/attack an economic system which a) they supported for 40 yrs and b) is the central cause of Europe's problems.
This outbreak is a disgrace and shameful, it will stain this country for years now, and no matter what class you come from or think you come from, whoever does this or allows this is filth and the enemy. Fuck any excuses for these people. Conspiracy theories, extreme victimhood and nationalism combined. Fuck all of them into the gutter.
This, surely, has to be the biggest "wtf" incident so far...

Plymouth doctor racially abused in the street - for 'looking Polish'

A Plymouth GP with no links to Poland was abused by a racist pensioner as he walked down the street - for "looking Polish".

The outburst at the city doctor came as police across the country reported rising levels of racially-motivated hate crime in the wake of Britain's EU referendum.

The British doctor, who has asked not to named, was walking towards the Hoe on Sunday afternoon when he says an elderly man made a racist remark about being Polish.

The 34-year-old was on Ebrington Street on his way to watch the Armed Forces Weekend when the old man collared him, referred to him as a Pole and said "we only tolerate you lot because of the income you bring in".
Bodach, tha an debate air urban sgoinneil, tha an smears agad cach.

Shit gaidhlig, may or may not translate to what looks like an Irish Gaelic speaker

I was asking Harry Smiles to put what he said into plain English as I don't understand "Have we reached P-Iggy?". .

I said it in another language because sometimes some of the clever folk here seem to be posting in another language.

Anyway, enough of that.

Jamelia racially abused by a cop.

Loose Women star Jamelia 'racially abused by policeman' - BBC News
:facepalm: That's a bit like when that paediatrician had paedo graffitied on her house in the middle of the night
I don't think that one actually happened. It was a figment of liberal confirmation bias.

But this shit is all too real. And though I sent off the Amnesty-requested emails to my local councillors, that was about as much use as a chocolate fire-retardant. More direct solidarity is needed. And more socially based - peer based not bureaucracy-based (which may well be counter-productive) - disapproval of the racism is needed.
This, surely, has to be the biggest "wtf" incident so far...

Plymouth doctor racially abused in the street - for 'looking Polish'

I've had this before, both sides of my family are Irish but I've been on the receiving end of abuse about being 'Turkish'. Since it happened in the summer I can only assume it's because of having a tan + black hair. It's a really surreal experience getting xenophobic abuse aimed at a nationality other than your own.
I was asking Harry Smiles to put what he said into plain English as I don't understand "Have we reached P-Iggy?". .

I said it in another language because sometimes some of the clever folk here seem to be posting in another language.

Anyway, enough of that.

Jamelia racially abused by a cop.

Loose Women star Jamelia 'racially abused by policeman' - BBC News
Yes I know you were, Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic are more or less mutually intelligible.

I was saying the debate on urban is ace and your smears not so, to put it politely.

Cops are cunts, i hope she hit him back.
I've had this before, both sides of my family are Irish but I've been on the receiving end of abuse about being 'Turkish'. Since it happened in the summer I can only assume it's because of having a tan + black hair. It's a really surreal experience getting xenophobic abuse aimed at a nationality other than your own.
Yes it is...a few years back I was asked where I was originally from on the street in Brixton
I replied " up north"
this was not specific enough
and when I said "Yorkshire"
I was told to fuck off back to Albania
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Being vaguely foreign looking I've had a fair amount of mostly anti semitic crap and had a lot of 'didn't know your Dad is a p***' growing up. I have also had compliments on my English :facepalm:
Oh well, if no one else is going to post it:

Whispering game

"Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?" says Chief Inspector Andrew Adams, of Gwent Police, who was the liaison officer in charge when news of this incident broke six years ago. He remembers very well that stressful night, when he gave 18 live interviews to various media outlets.

"There was no big mob," he says. "Nothing like that happened. I know because I was there and I was involved. The lady was not in her home when it happened. She came home from work to see her door daubed with anti-paedophile graffiti.

"When we heard about it we set about dispelling the rumours that she or anyone else in that house was a paedophile. We explained to the local community the difference between paediatrician and paedophile."

Who did the graffiti? Mr Adams says he still isn't sure. "We think it was youngsters, probably someone in the 12 to 17 age bracket."

And the community was outraged by the incident and "supportive of the woman involved", he says.
Yes I know you were, Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic are more or less mutually intelligible.

I was saying the debate on urban is ace and your smears not so, to put it politely.

Cops are cunts, i hope she hit him back.

Smears? Nah, just calling it as I see it & standing up to the triumphalism on display. As for the "cops are cunts" mantra - that's not a very nice smear, is it?

Some cops are and some aren't. Just like some brexiteers are and some aren't.
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