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National Action to be proscribed as a "Terrorist Organisation"

oh ok, so what way does this lean , if you all hate Labour as well

Corbyn I guess is the God around here, too bad he'll be retiring soon I guess
Never heard of this lot but Gab sounds like a really unfun place to be if you click and read the twitter thread. (Includes text based violent racism and sexism)

Gab is a true cesspit. Their core membership were heavy users of VK (Russian Facebook) prior to their proscription. The content there was and remains stomach turning.
Turns out it was all a joke, haven't you got a sense of humour?

Neo-Nazi group's 'humour lost on people'

To be fair, they do look like a bunch of clowns.


As an aside, at least 5 of these fine upstanding young men seem to be undercover cops. :D
like combat 18 they never had any successful confrontations with militant anti-fascists. more to come ...
I’m glad he prevented two people from being murdered but find the whole HnH circle jerk around Robbie Mullen. In this act people have forgotten he was a member of National Action before it was proscribed. He didn’t make contact with Collins for 2 years if you match up the timelines. He joined the group because he’d been intoxicated in far-right ideology since his early teens. The dispatches documentary was interesting because it revealed that he didn’t really disavow NA or their views. Are we really going to praise Nazis for doing something morally correct for a change? I’m very sceptical that he’s changed his views. I think it’s naive of HnH to fundraise to take this guy into schools. It all reeks of how Quilliam handled Yaxley-Lennon in the beginning.
I’m glad he prevented two people from being murdered but find the whole HnH circle jerk around Robbie Mullen. In this act people have forgotten he was a member of National Action before it was proscribed. He didn’t make contact with Collins for 2 years if you match up the timelines. He joined the group because he’d been intoxicated in far-right ideology since his early teens. The dispatches documentary was interesting because it revealed that he didn’t really disavow NA or their views. Are we really going to praise Nazis for doing something morally correct for a change? I’m very sceptical that he’s changed his views. I think it’s naive of HnH to fundraise to take this guy into schools. It all reeks of how Quilliam handled Yaxley-Lennon in the beginning.
Didn't find collins' conversion narrative persuasive either
I agree. There’s something about Collins I still find deeply unpleasant. He likes to play the expert but I refuse to trust anyone who does not write Nazi as a common noun.

met him several times and he is genuine. his book is entertaining stuff and it tells how Gable worked on Collins for quite some time. People don't have sudden Damascene conversions, it is a gradual shift from 1 mode of thinking/believing to another, which is a difficult transition i'd have thought.
met him several times and he is genuine. his book is entertaining stuff and it tells how Gable worked on Collins for quite some time. People don't have sudden Damascene conversions, it is a gradual shift from 1 mode of thinking/believing to another, which is a difficult transition i'd have thought.
a gradual shift from being a racist to being an anti-racist
a gradual shift from being a fascist to being an anti-fascist

my recollection of the book is that at no point does mc ever say 'i saw being a racist was wrong', ray hill does - but not iirc collins.
How can you infiltrate a movement you were part of since 2015 and only contacted HOPE not Hate in 2017? Antisemitism, glorifying the murder of Jo Cox, homophobia, and Islamophobia all fine. Just don’t threaten to kill an MP.

Hope Not Hate spy played key role in stopping far-right plot to murder MP
it's much the same as the 'conversion' collins puts in his book, where he doesn't come out at any point and say 'the politics of the nf were a pile of shit', it's a similar aversion to violence after the library incident. yer man in this case hasn't said 'i distance myself from my former politics' that i've seen, he's just said 'i wasn't too up for people getting killed', which tbh is a peculiar attitude for a fairly longstanding member of na to take. i wonder whether he might not have some skeletons in the closet which he has been able to keep squirrelled away by his being the teller of tales, possibly preventing other, perhaps less complimentary, narratives being heard.
Ego, ideogy, money, sex and fear are the typical reasons you get agents.

Thinking all darkies or whatever should be killed:( and actually having what that entails rubbed in your face might be the wake up cal
l he needed.
A dedicated antifacist wouldn't get anywhere near NA.
Mullen shouldn’t be allowed to enter schools in my opinion, HnH are woefully naive. This is just a cash grab for them. Laughable to suggest they broke NA up. It was falling apart since proscription and the jailing of key members like Wayne Bell for unrelated offences.
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