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National Action to be proscribed as a "Terrorist Organisation"

Probably shit and full of typos most likely. Just don’t like the fact they are going to rewrite a neo-Nazi’s redemptive arc
having seen this little sack of shite, a vicious racist and neo-nazi, the idea of him carrying out the attack is a pretty unbelievable. he's about 6 stone and a stick insect. 20 years seems a bit excessive and appears to be a warning.
i just doubt he would have been capable of such an act. he's a weedy little scrote and a coward who hid behind others.
do you honestly think collins will earn a mint off that?what's really shameful is it's likely to be shit
let me tell you that unless you have a strong seller you make very little money off books. especially if it is aimed at the anti-fascist/anti-racist movement who don't number in the 10s of 1,000s.
if it appeals to a wider audience and can be marketed eslewhere (america, canada, aussies etc) that can help but
journalism pays more and much quicker for less work. books pay off when the yearly royalties come in. if at all.
Nah, you don't have to be a brick shithouse to do violence with a big fucking sword. Also planned to off a cop... plus paedo stuff will extend any sentence.
yeah i know, you're right. i think it's the disproportional sentencing that bothers me. sentences for planning to kill someone and killing someone should hardly be equated. he's a nasty little douche-bag but getting 20 years in your early 20s is a fucken nightmare. especially if there's the small fact of grooming involved.
if he does the whole 20, he will have spent as much time in prison as he has out of it.
he has 3 options: appeal to reduce sentence; he gets attacked; or he tops himself.
anyone who has had anything to do with him know he is a weedy little scumbag so 3 looks likely.
Apparently he had supporters in court, who he did a nazi salute to after being sentenced. I know the far right has form for having secret nonces in their ranks, but surely after being convicted of grooming in a widely publicised trial, you'd think all his mates would cut ties? For appearances sake, if nothing else.
let me tell you that unless you have a strong seller you make very little money off books. especially if it is aimed at the anti-fascist/anti-racist movement who don't number in the 10s of 1,000s.
if it appeals to a wider audience and can be marketed eslewhere (america, canada, aussies etc) that can help but
journalism pays more and much quicker for less work. books pay off when the yearly royalties come in. if at all.
Yeh 92% of books never make a penny for their authors
If you plan politically motivated violence the state will clobber you although "national action" and political is pushing things there about as political as the celebrities on Sas are you tough enough were celebrities :facepalm:
If you plan politically motivated violence the state will clobber you although "national action" and political is pushing things there about as political as the celebrities on Sas are you tough enough were celebrities :facepalm:
you don't think being nazis in public and online is political??
NA never achieved anything politically. even the neo-nazis thought they were too high profile and reckless regarding photos of them clowning around. anti-fascists quickly built files on them & knew where they knocked around. NA never even came close to a confrontation with anti-fascist militants.
Yeh 92% of books never make a penny for their authors
im assuming you're taking the piss with this figure. i commented about this - 'do you honestly think collins will earn a mint off that?' - cos he wont 'make a mint' as it is too 'niche market.' he will probably sell a few 1000.
20 years seems a bit excessive and appears to be a warning.

The main charge against him was for preparing acts of terrorism. The sentencing guidelines for that depend in part on how close to completion the preparations were, but as it seems the intention was to kill more than one person, the sentence was always going to be life, the minimum term being the only variable. The range for that would be 15-30 years, so on that basis, 20 doesn't appear excessive.
what did they achieve? what did they do apart from dick around, get arrested and act like twats? what did they build? what mass movement or working class movement did they organise? more criminal than political.
they attracted nutters, nonces (fleming, renshaw), were too high profile and noisy, they alienated many on the far right, were inadequate when it came to anti-fascists. then they were banned and fell apart thru grassing and court cases.
what did they achieve? what did they do apart from dick around, get arrested and act like twats? what did they build? what mass movement or working class movement did they organise? more criminal than political.
they attracted nutters, nonces (fleming, renshaw), were too high profile and noisy, they alienated many on the far right, were inadequate when it came to anti-fascists. then they were banned and fell apart thru grassing and court cases.

Been pretty effective at promoting racist and fascist ideology.
to who?
even the Brexshit party is more farages personality cult than a far-right party and ukips descent into partying with fascists saw them annihilated at council elections.
nothing like the French national front
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