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National Action to be proscribed as a "Terrorist Organisation"

awww poor little boy

On doing a nazi salute at concentration camp and celebrating murder of Jo Cox

Mr Davies admitted posing for the photo, alongside Mark Jones, a convicted member of National Action, but said that he was "not proud" of it.
He described the gesture as a "completely spontaneous action" which he later felt "ashamed of."

The jury previously heard that members of National Action "celebrated" the murder of Jo Cox MP when she was killed in her constituency in June 2016.
Mr Davies told the court that he had not agreed or been involved with Twitter posts put out by National Action accounts that "celebrated" her murder.
The defendant added: "I felt bad that she died, I feel sorry for her kids, I feel sorry for her husband."

When asked whether he shared the views of Jo Cox's killer, Thomas Mair, Mr Davies described him as "a crazy man" who committed "a nonsensical act."
awww poor little boy

On doing a nazi salute at concentration camp and celebrating murder of Jo Cox
To commemorate the occasion, here's my favourite Alex Davies story, about the time he turned up to do police station support for the arrestees at a Swansea White Pride march, realised there were antifascists in the police station listening to his phone call so he started talking about how much he respected them, then legged it.
To commemorate the occasion, here's my favourite Alex Davies story, about the time he turned up to do police station support for the arrestees at a Swansea White Pride march, realised there were antifascists in the police station listening to his phone call so he started talking about how much he respected them, then legged it.
I was at that and NA were being weird pretending to be black block and having a pic before running off
More on Alex and chums

Alex Davies was described as "the founder, the galvaniser, the recruiter", and would welcome fellow neo-Nazis to Swansea, take them for days out in Mumbles and for ice cream.
He jokingly told jurors: "The life of a terrorist."

Prosecutors and counter terror police believe Alex Davies is unique in British history for founding two far-right terrorist organisations.
First National Action, and then the "continuity group" as it was described in court, NS131. They are organisations that now sit alongside the likes of so-called Islamic State, the IRA and Al-Qaeda.

It was put to Alex Davies in court: "You are a neo-Nazi, yes?"
He replied: "Sure."
Nation Action had links with Azov both through their international front organisation Misanthropic Division and with Mark Jones , partner of Miss Hitler, visiting Azovs HQ in 2017.
Fairly visible in this picture from that article:
That blackboard in the background is a 10/10 brilliant comedy detail, though.
New series on Hope Not Hates infiltration of them

Interesting certainly, dubious defintely: yet another attempt to launder the reputation of a likely MI5 asset (Mullen). Ask yourself this: if Renshaw hadnt intended to kill Rosie Cooper/boasted about it, how much more would Mullen have done to facilitate Continuity NA. He was not a whistleblower so much as directed source: which comes out for sure in his CTU interrogation (which I have read). Why was he given legal immunity when he did not reveal full details of his actions (a prerequisite for immunity deals to be legally valid). I suggest Box 500 and their Hope Not Hate errand-persons know the answer. I do not for one minute doubt Renshaw planned to kill Cooper: but this should not distract from the efforts of Mullen and his controllers to get Helm targeted to draw attention away from himself. On his own, Mullen couldn’t direct a stream of piss vertically, but of course he himself was a directed source and Renshaws plans an ideal get out of going to jail card. None of these questions will even be asked by the fawning mainstream media, who even now repeated the lie Collins was ever in the BNP….Plus ca change la meme chose
A neo-nazi from Cardigan, Ceredigion has been sentenced to nine years and nine months in prison on terrorism charges.

Gareth Waite, aged 47, had denied but was found guilty by jury of four offences of disseminating a terrorist publication, and two offences of possession of material of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.

He had also previously pleaded guilty to one offence of support of a proscribed organisation, namely National Action.

Welsh man who boasted about how white his hometown was jailed for nine years
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