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National Action to be proscribed as a "Terrorist Organisation"

What would improve your list would be linking to articles about each conviction
yeah i did it at 1st but it made the thing unreadable with huge ribbons of text cutting thru it.
the list was already getting too long (unfortunately).
the entries have all been cross referenced, twice if not more times.
if there are any queries i hope that folk google the names.
yeah i did it at 1st but it made the thing unreadable with huge ribbons of text cutting thru it.
the list was already getting too long (unfortunately).
the entries have all been cross referenced, twice if not more times.
if there are any queries i hope that folk google the names.
here's a handy tip. you don't need to post in a url to make a hyperlink.
I’m glad he prevented two people from being murdered but find the whole HnH circle jerk around Robbie Mullen. In this act people have forgotten he was a member of National Action before it was proscribed. He didn’t make contact with Collins for 2 years if you match up the timelines. He joined the group because he’d been intoxicated in far-right ideology since his early teens. The dispatches documentary was interesting because it revealed that he didn’t really disavow NA or their views. Are we really going to praise Nazis for doing something morally correct for a change? I’m very sceptical that he’s changed his views. I think it’s naive of HnH to fundraise to take this guy into schools. It all reeks of how Quilliam handled Yaxley-Lennon in the beginning.
I think its rather more than naivety actually, as will be disclosed.
These weapons were found at properties linked to National Action member Mikko Vehvilainen.

View attachment 185758

A (small and cheap) book coming out soon: The Trouble With National Action

Looks good.

Interesting certainly, but as will be seen not quite grasping the full ‘context’ as the author might say. For the moment I would say given he repeatedly cites Matthew Collins atrocious book on NA to the effect that NA were ‘terrorist’ without critically examining the term, on what does he base his opposition to their proscription then?

Hayes makes much of his former AFA membership: does he not remember that AFA proscribed Searchlight, from which HNH have sprung and are definitely no improvement. More soma anyone?
It’s not even difficult to arrive at that.
What’s the difference between a terrorist and a fantasist?

On one level the former has realistic plans and seeks to put them into action as part of a strategy designed to produce real political effects.

The latter just has lots of ideas and verbiage but no real intent or capability.

On another level, as I have always believed, the term terrorist is at best useless; used to refer to political violence you disapprove of. Thus Bin laden was termed a terrorist but Bush/Blair whose war in Iraq killed maybe 250,000 and was based on lies are not using standard terminology. Ludicrous.
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Anyone know anything about this one?

Putting it here cos I'm guessing most right-wing stuff that gets you terrorism charges may well be linked in some way to the NA family tree, could be unrelated though?
PA are active in Yorkshire, and there’s plenty of local history for fash to exploit in Rotherham.
PA are active in Yorkshire, and there’s plenty of local history for fash to exploit in Rotherham.
Yeah, definitely, but I didn't really think most PA activity was the kind of stuff that gets you terror charges? Same goes for most of the stuff connected to the EDL/Casuals/Yorkshire's Finest/P&M/Tommy fan club lineage, who were the groups most active around Rotherham. Although I suppose it's all speculation until more details are confirmed.
well Towler and Mark ‘do you want to play video games with me autistic children’ Collet have both had their bank accounts closed, based on their own er accounts.

I doubt either the anti-grooming/Muslim groups or PA were involved in this directly, it’s all gateway stuff though isn’t it? Hence PA and other European new right types working so hard to recruit disaffected ‘counter jihadists’ and er kiddies with developmental disabilities.

not really sure what point I’m making here just thinking out loud
Anyone know anything about this one?

Putting it here cos I'm guessing most right-wing stuff that gets you terrorism charges may well be linked in some way to the NA family tree, could be unrelated though?
Thanks for this: the name doesn't ring a bell, though will inquire. His age, however, and that of the other charged (55/40) make an NA connection unlikely: they tended to be younger. And the charges (leaving aside the drugs) are not related to organisational membership but possession of a document: and as a recent trial shows, having the Anarchist Cook-Book can get you a long sentence...
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